Our Advisors

Published in
4 min readJun 1, 2021

Bull Perks remains committed to the sustainable provision of a fair platform for both investors and creators to make the most of their resources. While investors get to put their funds in the most viable projects, creators get to receive the needed support for scaling their projects seamlessly.

To ensure that we continue to offer the best services, we have a team of seasoned advisors with quality advisory expertise. Our advisors come from a pool of experienced professionals with a deep understanding of the industry. They also share our passion for creating a fair avenue for the next generation creators. Here are some of the advisors on our board. More are being onboarded so keep following our website for updates.

Dr Deeban Ratneswaran

Deeban Ratneswaran has an impressive track-record of bridging market gaps for viable entrepreneurial projects. Deeban co-founded Oslersroom, an educational platform with global attendance. He has been a consistent investor in innovative tech in the We3 space, with most of these projects returning remarkable returns.

Between 2020 and 2021, Deeban has advised over 50+ worth of funds, and his fund has witnessed a 2500% increase since 2019. As a founder of GD10 Ventures, Reeban has the requisite experience for advisory roles. GD10 Ventures provides early-stage start-ups with support and funding to scale their projects. Deeban is an early-stage blockchain investor and a multinational VC advisor with institutional level funding and strategic partnerships.

Josh Meier

Josh Meier has been in the advisory space for over 10 years. He has garnered valuable experience across different blockchain projects. Currently, he is a partner at Latitude Services, where he and his team help blockchain start-ups contemplate and implement the most efficient ways to navigate their products.

Josh has advised on several projects, including StackOS, Splyt, Ally, EQIFI, OMNI, among others. He has a background in Business Administration, Finance, and Marketing. He is a professional salesman and remains dedicated to supporting the next generation of blockchain projects.

Shane McQuillan

Shane McQuillan is a seasoned start-up professional with over 25 years of experience collaborating with numerous companies across various projects. Shane works with founders from the point of ideation to the market entry stage.

Currently, Shane is at the forefront of blockchain-based companies, working with them to scale their services. He is currently building “TrustedIn Trading,” a platform that seeks to help traders avoid scams and fraudulent activities in the market.

Corey Billington

Corey Billington has advised on numerous blockchain-based projects for several years. He is the senior advisor of multiple projects, including Splyt, AuBit, and StackOS. He is the director of Latitude Blockchain services, where he and his team help blockchain companies actualize their marketing strategies and capture their target market effectively.

Corey has a background in marketing, business development, and mechanical engineering. He has vast expertise in advising early-stage start-ups and helping them navigate the market seamlessly.

Edna Yuan

Edna Yuan is passionate about early-stage projects with a high potential for disrupting the status quo. She has invested in over 40 projects, including ANKR and Chiliz. Additionally, she has incubated numerous projects, including Findora, Oddz, Reef, and Channels. She previously worked as the Investment Fund Analysis Manager at Fidelity & Securities Trading Broker at TD Ameritrade.

Aylon Morley

Aylon is an accomplished and prolific investor in the blockchain space. For the last 14 years, he has served as the Tech Investment Director for Wentworth Hall, a London-based family office that specializes in private equity ventures and start-up investments. He is also a strategic partner in the SAVA Digital asset Fund.

As an active member in the Blockchain and cryptocurrency ecosystem. He has worked extensively with Fintech and Blockchain start-ups globally.

With more than 20 years of experience in the capital markets under his belt, Aylon previously worked as a financial journalist for Reuters and as Business Development Director for Granite Alphen Capital, an algorithmic hedge fund.

He has also advised many leading Blockchain ventures, such as Tezos and Dusk network. He has advised and mentored diverse start-ups at Barclay’s fintech hub, Techstars accelerator, and StartupBootcamp, to name a few.

Mike Migilo

With his vast experience in the cryptocurrency market and investment analysis, Mike brings his professional dexterity to Bull Perks’ board of advisors. He leverages his understanding of the US regulatory environment to help the company make informed investment decisions. He co-founded Wolfe Migilo and has a Doctoral degree from the Indiana University Maurer School of Law.

Over the years, Mike has assisted numerous clients looking to enter or currently in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. As a leading US attorney, Mike brings on board all the knowledge we need to ensure adequate compliance with relevant regulations.

Jason Fang

Jason is a Founder and Managing Partner at Sora Ventures. Prior to Sora, Jason was the Head of Global Business Development at Juzix (now PlatON). Jason joined the blockchain industry in early 2016 as an Investment Associate at Fenbushi Capital, where he managed deal flows and post-management of companies in North America.

Along with his role within the Blockchain Institute Chicago on the Board of Directors, he has an active endeavour to promote and develop mass adoption for the Blockchain Industry.

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