[Recap] AMA With Lovelace World Managing Director

A recap of an AMA that the Lovelace World’s Managing Director held with the BullPerks community.

Constantin Kogan
4 min readDec 16, 2021


Lovelace is a metaverse-as-a-service platform that provides NFT-based projects with the necessary tools to create and deliver the next-gen GameFi services. Lovelace is the parent project behind ADAnimals, an NFT-based P2E metaverse, set to launch on BullPerks as a VC deal.

Before the deal takes place on BullStarter, we were honored to host an AMA with Lovelace Managing Director, Jay. During this exciting AMA, Jay informed the BullPerks community on what ADAnimals is all about, what makes it different, and what the future holds for the project.

BullPerks Admin: Hey everyone, and welcome to the Lovelace World AMA with BullPerks!

We are excited to welcome Managing Director at Lovelace World, Jay, who is here with us today to answer your questions. So, without further ado, Let’s get this show on the road!

Jay (Lovelace): Hello everyone! Nice to meet you all 😀

BullPerks Admin: Hello, Jay! Hope you’re having a great day! First question: Please tell us about the project.

Jay (Lovelace): Awesome, will do.

BullPerks Admin: Okay. Good. So what can you say about ADAnimals?

Jay (Lovelace): Great place to start. Lovelace, our parent project, is the magic behind ADAnimals. We self-incubated this brainchild to showcase the value and capabilities of our SDK. ADAnimals is our premier first-party title, a play-to-earn ecosystem encompassing a suite of mini-games, metagames, and macro games 😃

ADAnimals is reshaping the old engagement model with interactive digital friends where bonding is just as rewarded as playing the games or staking. The mini-games are but one constellation in this ever-evolving interactive universe we have created.

We are the only ones that, thanks to the Lovelace toolkits, team, and technology, are currently offering a digital pet experience tied to a platform hosting not one, but SEVERAL mini-games and encouraging builders to keep building.

We also have a marketplace that serves increasing users’ performance, and also we are the only ones who have implemented extraordinary DeFi attributes into the whole game-play. We are also pioneering in cross-chain NFT interaction and integration.

BullPerks Admin: Thank you for the answers! Let’s proceed to the next question:

What are the special features of the project?

Jay (Lovelace): We believe the special sauce in our project lies somewhere between our arsenal of knowledge and experience, having pioneered and been first movers in some of the most successful NFT concepts and projects, our ready to deploy technology and infrastructure, and our proven ecosystem and gaming model focused around hyper-casual, interactive experiences.

We would also like to highlight that thinking of ADAnimals as a P2E game, would be missing the point. The ADAnimals vision is much more ambitious. The mini-games are but one constellation in this interactive universe.

BullPerks Admin: Thank you, sir! What are your short and long-term goals?

Jay (Lovelace): On the Lovelace front, our short-term goals are SDK client acquisitions, putting our technology in the hands of as many projects as possible, and deployment of our marketplace technology. Our main long-term goal is rolling out a full studio and go-to-market experience.

On the Animals front, there are the next goals.

Short term: Focusing on successful IDO and INO, whilst building community. We start with guilders and followed by hyper-casual game lovers and NFTs and DeFi savvies. We have 2 games ready to launch in January after the NFT drop, and 2 more in the making so that by 2Q would have a lively ecosystem of 4 mini-games and players already earning rewards

And thinking more long-term, the management and development of ADAnimals is in the hands of the community/ADAnimals DAO and is a thriving and evolving mini-game ecosystem that continues to reward players handsomely.

Although the Lovelace team is getting the ball rolling, seeding ADAnimals with the ideas, infrastructure, and execution, we believe that the creativity and energy of the ADAnimals community will allow ADAnimals to create more fun and rewards than we ever could have thought possible. We look forward to empowering our community and enabling the future of gaming and gaming experiences.

BullPerks Admin: Please tell us more about backers and advisors.

Jay (Lovelace): Sure! We decided to focus our raise on partner projects rather than traditional big-ticket VCs, we have the likes of Cornucopias, Netvrk, Cryptobanter, Angel Baby Hit Squad, Media Eye, BSCPad, and master ventures in our circle, with more news going public every week!

John (Community member): If you would like to summarize Lovelace in 1 word, what it would be and why?

Jay (Lovelace) — [In reply to John]: Metaverse-as-service.

BullPerks Admin: Great AMA, Jay, and thank you! It was amazing to have you here today!

Thank you everyone for joining us today, as we sure had a blast.



Constantin Kogan

Dad, entrepreneur, angel investor, meta-connector. Researching and contributing to the sharing and value economies 🚀