What Is Stage Fiction?

Tuppy Morrissey
Stage Fiction
Published in
1 min readJul 1, 2013


Stage Fiction, created by Tuppy Morrissey, is an attempt to bridge the gap between literature and film or theatre. Primarily used in episodic fiction or short stories, pieces of stage fiction are broken up into scenes like in a film or play.

Descriptive details are placed at the beginning of each scene in bullet point form in an effort to tell a story as quickly as possible. This is done to keep up with our increasingly technologically-dominated world which has left people wanting information in bitesize form with no unnecessary information.

Stage Fiction is not intended to be revolutionary and hard to follow - it aims to create an image of the story in the reader’s mind whilst having the speed of the story maintained by the film-like structure. It is often dominated by dialogue to fit in with this idea.

The best way to understand stage fiction is to read the first ever story written in the format:


By Tuppy Morrissey, creator of Stage Fiction



Tuppy Morrissey
Stage Fiction

Author (15 yrs old), working on a novel and some children's books. Very interested in sport, support arsenal and am a huge fan of the beatles.