10 Reasons Why You Should Chase Your Dream Even If It Seems Impossible

Mai Pham
Bulletproof Writers
5 min readMar 7, 2018
Chase your dream

“One day your life will flash in front of your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.” ~ Mai Pham.

You have a dream.

A burning one.

The one that keeps you awake at 2 AM. The one that makes you keep turning in your bed and wonder what you are doing with your life.

You know exactly what you want. But yet, there are so many things going on in your life right now that you have to keep putting it off.

You don’t talk to anyone about it. Knowing how it sounds, you know exactly what they are doing to say.

“That is just too hard. Why don’t you just settle for the good job you are having right now?”

“You should be thankful for having a job. Many people are still struggling to find one.”

“That sounds fun. But are you sure you want to risk it all? You know, you have a family to take care of.”

The list goes on and on.

You don’t blame them. If someone tells you about their wild dream, you might react the same way too.

But even if it sounds unrealistic or impossible, here are 10 reasons why you should give it a try.

Your dream makes your life worth living

Your dream is the reason why you wake up in the morning and do what you are supposed to do. If you follow your dream, you will enjoy every single day, knowing that you are making progress.

Sometimes you will be tired and frustrated. Some days you will even doubt yourself. But your dream is the light at the end of the tunnel, it guides you and helps you go through the worst days. It makes your life meaningful and worth talking about.

You will become courageous

You might be shy and wimpy. You might not want to talk about your dreams with other people. But if you decide to pursue your dream, you will become courageous.

Because no one is going to give your dream to you. It’s something you have to come and get it yourself.

Because no one will know exactly what to do or what happens next. It’s something you have to listen to your heart and give it a try.

You will develop a lot

You might not believe you have what it takes when you first start. Maybe, in fact, you don’t. But it is okay.

Because you will develop a lot. You will learn so much along the way. You will fail over and over again, but if you keep getting up, you will learn something valuable that no one can ever teach you.

You will not spend your life wondering “what if”

Regret is a terrible thing. It can suck the joy out of your life. It makes your life unworthy.

Every people have their own responsibilities and burdens that they have to take care of. But if you let yours overwhelm you, you cannot move forward with your dream.

You will spend your life wondering what would happen if you decide to pursue your dream. You might become resentful toward yourself and people around you, thinking that you have to give up your dream for someone else.

You are stronger than you think

You might be extremely busy today. So busy that you don’t even get enough sleep. And you think you cannot keep taking so many works in your life.

But you are stronger than you think. No matter how busy you are, if you decide to go with it, you can manage to put your dream into your life package.

If your package is already full, don’t hesitate to throw some other items out. Sometimes you need to make sacrifices to achieve your dream.

You only live once

Don’t work 30 years in the job you hate and call it a life. Life is too short. Before you know it, 50 years is gone in a blink of your eyes.

Do not work for the sake of paychecks. Work for something you love.

It is either working for your own dream, or working for someone else’s dream

The world is full of dreamers. Dreamers are the people who make this world so colorful and rich. If you put off your dream, chances are, you are working to build someone else’s dream.

It’s either yours or theirs. Make a wise choice.

You are in charge of your life

Here’s the hard truth. No one will help you to chase your dream for you. Unless they get paid for it, which is unlikely before you even start your dream.

But you know what? It is totally okay. Because only you are fully in charge of your life. Your life is your responsibility. You can make or break your life. It’s your choice.

You can finally be happy

Life without dreams is depressing. Without dreams, it’s like walking alone in the dark. You don’t know where you will go. Eventually, you will even forget where you want to go.

Let your dream become the light of your dark night. Let it shine and show you the path. You will have a purpose and you can finally be happy. After all, it is something you’ve always wanted to do.

You can prove the world wrong

Think about all the naysayers who tell you to be like a normal person, working paycheck to paycheck and suffering for the rest of your life because your dream is just impossible.

Later they will be the people who ask you how to do it, and all you need to do is to grin.

Make your dream comes true

You know why it feels amazing when you make your dream comes true? Yes, because that’s what you’ve always wanted to do. But it’s also because your dream has to face so many resistance before it comes to see the light.

Keep the 10 reasons above as a reminder, to remind yourself why you should pursue your dream, even if it sounds impossible.

Because all the hard work will be worth it.

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This post was originally published at: www.liveaworthylife.com

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