A Dummies Guide to Making Money on Medium

Tips and Tricks To be Successful on this Platform

Anna Klawitter
Bulletproof Writers


Photo by Michael Longmire on Unsplash

The hardest part of Medium is brainstorming and writing interesting articles that people will click on and spend time reading.

It’s essential to take Medium seriously in order to make money. You can’t just write an article every now and expect to make decent money. Sadly.

I started on Medium with zero expectations and zero writing experience. So I had lots of room for improvement, just like almost all writers who start out writing on Medium.

But if you work hard, deliver work people want to read, and stay on the path for long enough you will make money.

Getting Started

What Medium is

Medium is two things. A platform and a publisher.

As a platform, it’s easy to use — clean and simple. You just type your post, click publish, and voila! You’re published. The simplicity of Medium is what draws many to it.

Every post you write is made available to your followers. But if you want to make that post visible to not only your followers but to Medium readers who are interested in that topic your post needs to be curated.

