An Homage to English Teachers


A thankless job in an auto-correct world.

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

I consider myself lucky. I had the pleasure of diagraming sentences, learning cursive, and of learning to read using phonetics. This was a time before the cellphone, the home computer, or texting ever existed. We were learning skills that (while we disputed it at the time) would help each of us to rise to the highest levels of our fields.

We disputed this at the time because we had no idea, at age 8, how these critical topics would be utilized.

How could we?

We were more concerned about GI Joes and Barbies and the latest playground gossip — Jennie and Jarrod sitting in a tree…

We also new how too rite and read, rite?

You get the idea.

Today, I am frequently reminded of how important those hours of diagramming sentences and agonizing over sentence structure truly were.

Why worry? We have spell-check.

I frequently come across documents that were never re-read for any spelling, punctuation, or other grammatical errors. We can certainly disagree about where to put a comma and, of course, we all make mistakes, but seeing the same mistake over and over is unforgivable.

Common errors



Jason H. Smith, MD, MBA, CPE, FAAFP, FAWM
Bulletproof Writers

Experienced leader with over 15 years in the healthcare industry. Coaching and consulting all over the world on leadership, healthcare, and personal growth.