Are You Ready to Write the Novel of Your Dreams?

Ready or Not, Here Comes Your Chance.

Blake Powell
Bulletproof Writers
2 min readNov 2, 2016


This is the month when you can commit to yourself in the words of action that you will write that story you’ve buried inside of you, whether it’s a novel or a screenplay or whatever.

You’ll quickly find it doesn't have to be perfect. In fact, trying to imagine it ever could be perfect is probably the reason you haven't gotten started at all (or if you have, that you’ve struggled to stay with it over time).

Today’s the day when you get to change all that. When you can commit to writing your masterpiece and be “free”.

Are you in or out? Time is ticking away. And it waits for no one.

(PS. Have no idea what I’m talking about? Click here to find out more about Nanowrimo and create the novel your readers deserve)

(PPS. Nanowrimo actually started yesterday — but who’s really counting? It’s never too late to take a jumpstart on your dreams)

Need More Nanowrimo Motivation?

You’re likely frustrated with all the generic advice you see on the web for writers. Things that tell you that you should be writing and publishing every day and following the same rituals Hemingway did.

To me, that’s not very helpful. I want to change that.

That’s why I’ve compiled all of the best writing tips I’ve found to combat writer’s block into a quick little guide you can download for FREE today.

No tricks. No lies. Just 12 quick wins you can apply to your writing to get ahead of the curb today.

All you have to do is click here to have it in your inbox within minutes :)

Write on!



Blake Powell
Bulletproof Writers

I’m a writer, dreamer, and lover of ☕ as well as a future Financial Planner. Get tips on writing by downloading my FREE book ->