Bulletproof Writers: Call for Submissions

Interested in Joining Our Growing Publication? Read Here to Apply

Blake Powell
Bulletproof Writers
3 min readFeb 26, 2018


Bulletproof Writers, as of now, has remained a dormant project of mine, due to my previous inability to share with others and try and do it all on my own.

But now, I’ve realized my folly and am opening the publication to new writers.

The easiest way to apply is through this link at Smedian, scrolling down to this publication, and then requesting to contribute there. The other way to apply is by sending me a message through Facebook, but as I’m not online there more than once or twice a day that might take longer to get accepted.

*These guidelines have been updated as of June 7, 2020.

Submission Requirements

The only requirements I require from you as a guest poster to this publication are these:

  1. There is no required word length. Make your post as long or as short as it needs to be. Focus on being respectful with your reader’s time, not selling your product or service in the post, and providing value to the readers (including a link to your product in your bio is okay).
  2. Please keep your post centered around the theme of ‘writing’ exclusively. At the time, I’m accepting non-fiction pieces only.
  3. A short bio at the end of your post with a link to your website or opt-in offer is fine. Keep it to 2–3 sentences with 1–2 links included MAX.
  4. I’ll attach a byline of my own to every post, so if you apply to the publication, you must be okay with this.
  5. Submissions are okay, whether they are previously published or unpublished drafts. Although we prefer unpublished drafts, both are fine as long as the piece you are submitting was published less than 7 days ago. Please do not pull articles from another publication to be published in ours, though, as this is seen as bad etiquette online.
  6. Republishing your content is fine! Please change around the tags, photo, and headline to help it get more visibility on Medium, and not be penalized by Medium’s algorithm. Let your article sit for at least 6 months before republishing it. Also, if your piece has been published somewhere else before, please include a note at the bottom of your piece so I can look at it and suggest any changes that could be made to help it stand out as a unique piece to our publication.
  7. Attach a photo to your post to help it get more visibility. Use a free site like Unsplash to find these photos and make sure they are royalty-free & openly accessible to the creative commons. Please include photo credit so the editors are aware where the photo came from, and that you have the proper rights to use it.
  8. Include 3–5 relevant tags to your post. This is not necessary, but again, it will help your post get more visibility!
  9. Share it out to your followers. This can be as simple as a quick Tweet or a share on your Facebook profile page. Believe me, anything you can do to increase the visibility of your post helps!
  10. Edit your post. Please edit and polish your submission as best as you can. Make sure it’s spaced out nicely and is typo-free. The less work I have to do to publish it, the better!
  11. Focus on value first. Look at your post and ask “Is this valuable? If I was a reader, what would I be getting out of reading this post? What tangible things would I walk away from?” If you brainstorm your post from this way, it becomes a lot easier to help your readers reach the results you are promising with your post and that your audience desires.

Okay, that was 11 tips. Maybe I’m a little more strict than I thought.

Please, if you’re interested in applying, don’t hesitate to do so. I’d love to help you grow your audience and reach more writers with your words and this publication is a great way for me to do so :)

Looking forward to reading your submissions!



P.S. once you’re accepted as a writer to this publication, please follow this guide to submit your draft & add it to the publication’s queue.



Blake Powell
Bulletproof Writers

I’m a writer, dreamer, and lover of ☕ as well as a future Financial Planner. Get tips on writing by downloading my FREE book -> http://bit.ly/become-bulletproof