Venus Nautiyal
Bulletproof Writers
2 min readMar 31, 2019


Can’t commit to Self Love?

Start with Self Like

photo by Bruce Warrington

That sweet smile,
the curiosity of seeing each other,
the eye contact,
… and all the other things that make the first few moments of falling into the concept of a romance are probably the most cherished by any individual who has fallen in love.

“Don’t get me wrong! Love is a beautiful feeling. “

AND those initial fragile moments of the unknown are explicitly embedded into my memory.

AND not only are they the most memorable, but they lay the foundation of a full fledged relationship.

Fast forward to reality….

Here we are- trying not only to keep our shit together, but also practicing self love.
I’m sure a lot of us have heard about meditation, gratitude journals, self care techniques and talking kindly to ourselves. These are nothing but a passage to LOVING ourselves first before we take on the passage of spreading that love to others.

As much as I’m an advocate of self love, there are situations where I find myself struggling to love myself. The struggle can not only be in the situation or surroundings, but the very idea of exhibiting love for myself.

“If self love sounds too committing, why not start with liking yourself?”

SO, in the rare occasion, I give myself the time to like before jumping on to love.
There could be the acquaintance talk instead of profound self talk, a few moments of listening to my childhood favourite song instead of my meditation routine, the letting go, or even, just forgiving your own self.

For all you know, you could’ve forgiven a friend had they done the same thing as you did, or given a little pep talk when they were disappointed, or let loose your ego.

“Let’s be friends with ourselves first.”

… and then, love can follow.

In the meantime, know that there are people, like yours truly, who are taking conscious decisions every single day, to make sure to be kind to themselves first — in the magnanimous pursuit of spreading kindness and love. Its not being selfish, just kind enough to maintain a good relationship with your own self.

I’d love to know if you believe in self love? Have you ever come up with your own self-love / self-like techniques? What is the spark that keeps you in love with yourself? Or, is it the most organic feeling for you?

Irrespectively, I hope you have and continue to have a good relationship with yourself, and find your best companion in yourself.



Venus Nautiyal
Bulletproof Writers

Product Manager | Passionate about art, traveling and spreading compassionate behaviour.