
Creating Your Online Presence as a Writer

How to Market Your Work Online Without Being Annoying

Holly Lyn Walrath
Bulletproof Writers
13 min readJul 15, 2021


Image Courtesy Artem Beliaikin

Setting up an online presence as a new writer can be daunting. When I first started out, I wasn’t sure what I wanted my online presence to be. Which is to say, I wasn’t sure what kind of writer I was! And that’s pretty much par for the course for most new writers.

Here’s the thing. Having an online presence is really important in publishing. But it’s not the holy grail. There is no magical proven method. It *is* possible to be a successful writer and have absolutely no online presence or even a website. But, having these things can help boost your writing career. In the end, you still have to focus on being the best writer possible.

Interacting online can actually feed back into being a better writer. It opens you up to a world of community — new friends, mentors, and learning opportunities. The world wide web is just that — a network that can be as wide as our beautiful globe. One of the things I’ve loved about interacting online is the opportunities it opens me up to outside of the U.S. where I live. I would never have had a book of poems published in Italian if I didn’t have an online presence where the publisher reached out to me to ask me about my work.



Holly Lyn Walrath
Bulletproof Writers

I'm a writer, editor, publisher, and poet. I write about writing. Find me online at or on Twitter @HollyLynWalrath!