Medium Writing Tips

How Sharing a Story on LinkedIn Can Generate 45,000 Views on Medium

Why you should post your Medium articles on LinkedIn

Casey Botticello
Blogging Guide
Published in
4 min readAug 14, 2018


medium linkedin, sharing medium article, posting medium article linkedin, medium linkedin, linkedin vs medium, cross posting
Source: Casey Botticello of Blogging Guide

LinkedIn Can Be an Extremely Effective Way to Market Your Medium Stories

If you are a LinkedIn member — and there are more than 500 million — you can be a content marketer on the platform.

About two years ago, LinkedIn opened its publishing platform to all members, allowing them to publish blogs directly and promote their content throughout the LinkedIn network and beyond.

With just a few clicks, you can easily reach thousands of prospective readers. Best of all, because LinkedIn and Medium both provide great data analytics tools, it’s easy to track the success of a Medium Story posted on your LinkedIn feed.

45,000 Article Views and 20,000 Article Reads

A few weeks ago I posted a quick article on Medium about Uber’s new emerging scandal — vomit fraud.

