It’s time to get back to what you are meant to do

Mai Pham
Bulletproof Writers
2 min readJul 10, 2018
Living with my true purposes

It has been 2 months, since the last time I wrote something.

I used to write at least 1,000 words every day. I did that for a couple of months and my efficiency went off the roof.

But then I stopped.

Two months. That’s 61 days. That’s 61,000 words that I’ve missed. I could have written a short book in those days.

But I’ve been easy on myself. For several reasons.

My grandfather passed away.

He was there for me in my entire childhood. And I could only be there for him in the last couple days when he was still conscious.

It’s ironic when we spend too much time chasing balloons, in the excuse that we will give those balloons to our loved ones, but while we are running and chasing them, our loved ones are gone.

What’s the purpose of those balloons now?

We tell ourselves that we are too busy to be with our families, but when we are free, our families aren’t there anymore.

Life happens in front of our eyes.

When I grow old, I don’t want my children and grandchildren to visit me when I’m sick. Visit me when I’m strong and I can enjoy my time with them.

I am expecting.

It’s strange to have another human being grows inside you. I remembered the moment I discovered my pregnancy, I panicked, I prayed it wasn’t true.

I blamed myself for letting it happen. I was scared.

But then, all of those stopped at the moment I heard my baby’s heartbeat.

It was magical.

It was my baby.

It is another human being that is full of love, full of potential.

So from one thing to the next, writing never popped up on my priority list.

I thought about writing sometimes. But I just kept delaying. Until I received signs.

It was when people who read my blog dropped me emails and asked if I’m okay. It’s amazing how totally strange people care enough to realize my disappearance.

It was when I’ve read stories on other people who paused their processes, and get back to it now.

It was in the books I’ve read, when it comes to realizing my purpose, it was always helping people.

It was when I’ve received strange questions on my mailbox, asking if I’m living my best life, if I’m living with intention and if I’m doing what I’m supposed to do.

