The 6 Hacks I Use to Get Into Flow — and Ship 70 Articles in 2 Months

Use these simple ways to get into peak state and become a writing machine

Clément Bourcart
Bulletproof Writers


Having joined Medium back at the end of October last year, I have now written and published over 70 pieces, most of which were curated:

Screenshot by the author

This excludes another handful of articles I wrote for freelance clients.

How did I do it? And how can you multiply your creative output as a writer too?

It comes down to getting in flow.

Flow states have been shown to increase productivity across a range of disciplines. And they also apply to creative pursuits like writing, as it turns out.

I’m not the first to talk about flow for writers, of course.

Tim Denning mentioned how important it was to his own content creation process (intensive sprints of 20 hours of non-stop writing spread evenly across 2 days, every single week).

Accessing flow states and staying in them for extended periods of time is the key to this kind of sustained, high-volume output.



Clément Bourcart
Bulletproof Writers

Business Consultant, Growth Marketer, Project and Product Manager, Copywriter // 🤖