Want To Get Stuff Done? Don’t Focus On Dumb Things

Jordan Jones
Bulletproof Writers
3 min readMar 13, 2018

We live in a world where most of us worry about everything that isn’t important, but we expect to get things done. Excuses can last a long time. For most people, it lasts their whole lives. And then we realize that we have wasted valuable time.

With life being as short as half of a breath, it should be lived fully with every moment, because each day is a gift.

”Not everyone got a chance to live today.”

A problem with most people is that they think they have all eternity to get certain things done. So instead of squeezing life with all they can, they hold off.

Quote From British Philosopher Alan Watts

” We are living in a culture entirely hypnotized by time”

Society Has Hypnotized Us

Society had made us think that the future holds all the things that we dream about. “One day I’ll get that thing” is how we think.

And when that time comes we won’t feel any different than we feel now, because the majority of the things we want are materials and wealth.

What about happiness, when people ask what do you want to be when you grow up, nobody ever says “happy” most of the time we say we want this thing and that thing. But happiness in my eyes is the key to life. When you are happy you will conquer, when you are sad you will live a life full of regrets.

The fact is that your life could be taken away at any given moment. By not focusing on what’s important adds on to stress/depression.

If someone is depressed, most of the time they will choose not to do the important things. When this happens, the priorities become overwhelming. And this is the reason why people commit suicide, things start to pile up and people can’t handle it

Some people worry about unimportant things their whole lives, basically shooting themselves in the foot.

”In the end, when our time is up some people feel regret, and regret is poison”

Take control of your life and do the things that you need to do. Stop thinking you have years and years to do it because although it may seem like you have a lot of time, 10 years also feels like yesterday.

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Jordan Jones
Bulletproof Writers

23 | Writer/Poet “Telling stories and creating art through words”