What Does Your Checkbook Say About You as a Writer?

You define the value of your writing

Mary Gallagher
Bulletproof Writers


Is there value in writing even if you don’t earn money from it? It’s a conversation I started with my writer’s group last week.

A handful of us get together each week and spend an hour writing and talking about our lives as artists, writers, creatives. We’re called Writers on Fire and we’re led by Nikki Tate. There are some incredibly talented ladies in this group and I am revived every time I spend 60 minutes with them.

Last week Kathi said she was intimidated to write for so long but now that she is writing every day she’s “filled with joy.” She writes songs and short pieces but is also working on a fantasy novel — something she had never dreamed she would write.

I could see the joy on her face — it radiated! And she reminded me why I first started writing too.

Your invitation to the writing life does not have to be grand

For me, it was a subtle nudge to open a dusty box in the attic filled with papers from high school and college — nothing earth-shattering but a reminder that whispered: “Why did you keep all this, Mary?”

Why indeed, my 30-something self asked. Why indeed? That’s when I realized I…



Mary Gallagher
Bulletproof Writers

I cut the stress, slowed down, and learned the art of intentional living. When you declutter your soul, you make room for what matters. @The Decluttered Soul