BTS is BTS: Not Any Other

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6 min readNov 13, 2020
Image Credit: BTS Vogue Japan

With BTS’ groundbreaking success being spread through a variety of platforms and their name and message being shared globally, it is not at all surprising that they would be compared to other highly successful artists; such as The Beatles.

It’s highly likely that you’ve heard this comparison more than once — in the news, interview introductions, and even in written publications. But the question remains, are BTS really the 21st Century version of The Beatles? The answer is NO.

It truly is a great honor to be compared to The Beatles, as they are an icon of their generation and much more besides. But BTS simply aren’t the 21st Century Beatles. They are The BTS of this generation: they are Bangtan Sonyeondan.

While some may find this belief or argument amusing, I believe it’s time for people to credit BTS for their hard work created under their own persona, without having to compare them innumerable times to different artists. I understand that comparison is made to highlight and accentuate BTS’ achievements, however, BTS are more than capable of setting new records of their own. The comparison simply isn’t necessary, especially taking into account that the two bands' foresight and approach with their music are completely different.

It’s quite ironic how terms such as ‘innovators’ and ‘the next Beatles’ are often used to describe BTS, however the terms themselves are so contradictory. How can one be considered an innovator, when they are branded “the next” version of something that already exists? Innovators have an identity of their own, and so do BTS.

BTS has taken an innovative approach with their music, infusing their work with their own perspectives and interpretations, which provides us with insights into the identity of BTS. And this identity is different from The Beatles. In the words of Jungkook, the youngest member of BTS, shared candidly in their recent Love Yourself: Speak Yourself tour DVD: “people call us ‘the Beatles of the 21st Century’. It’s an incredible honor and I’m grateful to hear that. But I still want to be just BTS instead of the Beatles of the 21st Century. BTS like no other. I want to be something new, new people.

The intention of being ‘something new’ is what marks BTS as music innovators. These comparisons are like tickets for BTS to be acknowledged by the western music industry — this gives the impression that BTS need to be regularly compared to western artists in order for their music to be validated. One such example is the repeated request for BTS to produce an all-English album. This should not be a measure of success or validity, and simply does not need to be asked.

BTS has had to regularly overcome stereotypes and xenophobia in the music industry — an industry they chose to be a part of while still feeling alienated within. BTS use their platform to address important societal issues with their songs. Despite this, they continue to receive backlash and inappropriate comments because their songs aren’t in English. They are regularly called names because of their use of makeup and how flawless their skin is. Through all the negativity, BTS has had to stand strong and simply accept this poor behavior. These circumstances are different from what other artists have experienced and the opportunities afforded to them.

It took BTS 3 years to receive a Daesang (in 2016), 4 years to receive worldwide recognition (in 2017), and it took them 7 years to receive full acknowledgment and prestige for their music, with BTS and their fans fighting for these accolades alongside each other the whole time. The timeline and circumstances that BTS have experienced are undeniably different from other artists.

I remember the feeling when BTS topped the Billboard Charts for the very first time with their song, Dynamite. Even non-fans were surprised by this feat, and I couldn’t help but wonder; why? Why were people so surprised that 7 talented and worthy artists topped the Billboard Charts? Their caliber is definitely deserving, so why the shock? The reactions received served to prove that the barrier BTS is trying to break does exist. While this is the first time that BTS has received official recognition at the top of the western music charts, ARMY have always believed in BTS as artists and in their capabilities, not seeing them simply as Asian singers with pretty faces. And that is what sets them apart from anybody else.

Being as humble as they are, BTS have always considered it an honor to be called the next Beatles. The the leader of the group, RM, said in their recent interview with the Wall Street Journal “we’ve never ever been like the Beatles or even like, more than them, we’re seven normal kids who love music and performance who have a dream to give hope and love.

When asked what makes BTS special, Jimin shared “I think the members are what makes BTS special.” Noting this, it is exactly what makes BTS unique — BTS is BTS and like no other. Comparing them to other artists once or twice is sufficient enough, but to ask them the same questions repeatedly, every time they achieve something great should be stricken off the record. BTS’ achievements have been self-composed, and do not belong to anyone else.

Like the question in the Wall Street Journal Innovators Issue, Who are BTS? And how did they get famous?

“In the past, we had clear goals and a thirst. We had to do well — we were desperate”

— Jungkook, Wall Street Journal

Thirst and desperation are some of the qualities that have helped BTS obtain their success. Thirst and desperation have played a part in making BTS music innovators who use their artistry to discuss important aspects of life. This has led BTS to create a worldwide impact and share their revolutionary thoughts about loving yourself. This is one of the many reasons why it is fitting to accord BTS the recognition meant solely for them, without comparing them to artists of another generation. To love yourself is to realize your worth and potential without having to live in a shadow that people have created for you.

BTS is BTS because they are revolutionary and not like any other, and to compare them multiple times outshines their revolutionary value. It diminishes the value of their hard work especially their intentions, which often possess no similarity to other artists. It also washes away the identity BTS has taken the time and effort to build throughout the years.

The music BTS creates is thought provoking and ARMY are more than willing to engage in these kinds of conversations. BTS have used their musical influence to provide a platform for people to speak. They create songs that aren’t simply neutral, but instead carry a people-first theme. This gives an opportunity for interaction and involvement to happen on many levels.

I believe people should learn how to acknowledge others without having to rely on irrelevant comparisons with other people who have had nothing to do with their achievements. This is one of the reasons why ARMY have created their own platforms by launching various editorial blogs, magazines, research teams, etc — to reclaim our own narrative. The Beatles are in a league of their own and so is BTS. There will be no second BTS — because you simply cannot duplicate heart, intention, and passion.

In an ideal world the western music industry would start seeing BTS as their own kind: a first and not the next; artists with exceptional talents and hearts. While ARMY couldn’t be more proud of the success the septet has achieved, and realize the recognition that the group has been getting is outstanding — it is also worth noting how some mainstream media creates an image of BTS as artists that sometimes downgrades their potential in the eyes of the general public.

The take away is that BTS rose to fame with the thoughts of getting their music out there, getting out of a shadow that had dimmed the light of artists like them. They didn’t think to be the next anyone when they started — they thought to be BTS and to produce music that captures their emotions: and they are exactly just that.

Comparisons between BTS and other world-famous artists are often made to amplify and compliment BTS. While it’s an incredible honor to receive such praise, we must keep in mind that the achievements BTS have obtained have been hard-won in their own unique way, for their own individual purpose. BTS didn’t buy tickets to fame. Their success hasn’t happened overnight. BTS has had a full journey of self-discovery along with their music.

BTS is BTS, not any other.




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