6 Reasons The Original Beauty And The Beast Is Still The Best

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3 min readMay 9, 2017

Originally published at: https://www.bulletstory.com/6-reasons-original-beauty-beast-still-best/

Inspired from a French fairytale dated back to the 18th century, Disney’s animated Beauty and the Beast has made a permanent place in the heart of the audience. With the new live action movie with Emma Watson as Belle and Dan Stevens as the taking the world, we can’t help but point that the original one is still the best. Here are our reasons.

1. Instead of famous names from Hollywood, the original movie employed truly amazing artists, for instance, Paige O’Hara as Belle


2. The new movie is mostly a carbon copy of the old one, which might pass as an homage, but let’s be honest here, it’s still a copy.


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3. Unlike the original movie, where Belle is a loved character, the new movie has a Belle that the villager’s mistrust


4. The Gaston lacks the edges that the old one had, with hardly any backstory to establish him as the misogynist villain that he is


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5. LeFou was always gay, but before the release of the new movie, it was more pronounced. And considering all the hype that surrounded it, there was hardly anything in the movie itself that explored this


6. In the new movie, it seemed like more thought was given to visuals and technology than to the story itself


With all that said, Beauty and the Beast, whether old or new, will remain eternal.

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