7 Weaknesses You Didn’t Know Superman Had

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3 min readMar 28, 2017

Originally published at: https://www.bulletstory.com/7-weaknesses-you-didnt-know-superman-had/

Being a creature not from the earth, there is hardly anything that can give Superman trouble. He has an entire gamut of powers, from flying to telepathy to super strength.

But did you know that he has some weaknesses too, that can bring him crushing down? Here are few such weaknesses you didn’t know Superman had.

1. He is vulnerable to nuclear explosions, even though he doesn’t die, he suffers significant damage sometimes


2. He is completely ineffective in the face of magical powers


3. His super-enhanced hearing makes him vulnerable to super high-pitch frequencies


4. Muhammad Ali is canonically known to have beat Kal-El in a boxing match


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5. Virus X is a deadly Kryptonian virus that can kill any Kryptonian, and it has no cure


6. Lead is the only thing Superman’s X Ray vision cannot penetrate through


7. He is extremely vulnerable against red sunlight which depletes his ‘super powers’


If you were to be a super villain, you now know how to beat Superman!

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