Bullieverse Bulletin — November 2022




Activations across multiple geographies, Hyderabad, London

Sequence wallet and Brave Ads integration

Twitch streams with Lootbox winner announcements

Community tournaments with rewards for winners

Christmas and New Year surprise

Starting of streamer affiliate program

TikTok, Instagram Reels and Youtube Shorts strategy activation for branding and growth

GM, Bullievers

It has been a few days since we landed in this realm infested by the dead.

As we keep fighting, one day at a time, survival is but a challenging task. Despite our best efforts, the descendants of the dead stroll towards us, ravaging anything and anyone they see. As our community takes a stance towards these gangrene, gore compost smelling, arctic-white skinned undead, we thought we could up the spirits in the camp with hot updates from the past month.

Along with the updates, we also have exuberant things lined up for Christmas and New Year, which you will get to know in the latter half of the newsletter.

Without further ado, let us plunge into the monthly update.

Compass Trails:

Growth and marketing saw some tremendous traction the past month. Right from the city of Nizams(Kings) in India(Hyderabad) to the city that houses the UK’s sovereigns(London), we were everywhere, encompassing more brethren towards our cause.

Starting with our biggest announcement yet, we sponsored Dreamhack India and met with the vivacious gamers and gaming ecosystem enablers in India. Our booth saw some zealous participation from the community of gamers in India. We onboarded 540 new gamers into our ecosystem through this activation.

P.S: Our very own Co-Founder, Murali held the mic and spoke about Necrodemic and the need to onboard more players into web3 at the event.

Playback to the 3rd of November, 2022 and we were at NFT.London, creating a booth experience for the folks at the event along with exciting giveaways and partnerships.

Along with attending marquee events, we have also understood our presence at local and hyper local environments, amongst developers, artists & Web3 gaming community enthusiasts is crucial for our growth journey. Last month, we were also at Crypto Gaming Cabal at Token 2049 in London. We had quite a bit of takeaways from the meet, speaking about tokenomic design for the community, discussing play to earn and play and earn models, pondering about Web3/Crypto macro trends with fellow Web3 enthusiasts. Knowing the pulse of the people across the spectrum is really starting to pay dividends as we garner momentum towards our promised land.

Speaking of the promised land, we did something very interesting from the growth side the past month. We initiated a partnership with Brave wallet to run Brave Ads for acquiring new users. What’s so special about Brave you ask? Unlike the incumbent tech behemoths who have a blatant disregard for privacy, Brave enables the end-user to pick and choose to view ads based on the end-user’s preference. A testament to what Web3 stands for and we are proud to partner with another organisation that shares our values and vision for the community. Stay tuned for an update on this partnership from our communication team this month.

Our social handles have also seen an uptick across the platforms as we start going big using game videos on TikTok, Instagram reels and Youtube Shorts. The game videos are racking in the views and ensuring ease in top and middle of the funnel user acquisition.

Now that Necrodemic is poised to attract the right gamers after user reviews, we are partnering with game reviewers for partnerships. Balthazar was one such instance. We will have more reviews from seasoned folks in this domain, talking about us through their platforms.

The seeds we have been sowing with the guild partnerships have started to grow as we hosted our very own gaming tournament with Good Games Guild, raking in 200+ players on a $500 prize pool. It was quite a battle royale as gamers ripped apart the gory skinned walkers. Adding to that, we also partnered with IndiGG and created in-person activations across 30 cafes in the Indian subcontinent. We had 385 participants in these games.

Last but not the least, we are starting our very streamer affiliate program. More information to come on this soon!

One-for-all! All for One!

Our Community and Growth Head had quite a hectic month. Apart from having a say on all things growth, he helmed and executed quite a few community initiatives. Our Twitch streams had lootbox openings and giveaways, along with that, we also had our folks on Discord, bringing out their third eye in trying to predict outcomes of the Soccer World Cup games for 100 $Bull. Kudos to the winners.

We also launched our Diamond Militia NFT, a Diamond Beam Rifle. A killer machine indeed. And, finally, Diamond Militia soldiers gained over 15,000 diamonds in November.

As far as our Citizen of the Month is concerned, we have KingDen taking away the honours. He actively participated in community initiatives and contributed to the community and took away the COTM justly for this month.

Here is the link to our Twitch Streams for the month.

Geeks Corner

Hustle Mode On!

We are running out of adjectives to appreciate and explain what our team is accomplishing from a tech front. To know the complete gist of game development and engineering updates, click this link.

Succinctly put, we enabled Sequence wallet integration with new modal design for the community. To know more about this, read this write up. Along with this, the tech team also created a new page competitions page design to conduct different types of competitions, Closed, Open, Whitelisted, Community Based, to name a few. This will enable us to cater to different types of gamers and user personas and keep everyone satisfied in our ecosystem. Along with this, there were a humpty number of developments on game dev and engineering front owing to which our Engineering Head, has been having, “catch your breath” moments for quite a few months. Follow this link to know more about those updates.

And with that folks, we are en…….

“Oh! Wait!”

It’s that time of the year where everyone will be wearing their celebratory hats, expect gifts from their loved ones and get into a festive mood. Gifts are one of the ways to show gratitude too.

We love you guys, our community, without whom, we are nothing and for that we are forever grateful. Be ready for some interesting gifts this month.

And with that folks, we are signing off with you for one final time this 2022. See you guys next year, until then, keep Bullieveing.


About Bullieverse
Bullieverse is an Open Metaverse where NFTs come to life through an immersive gaming experience built on the Unreal engine. This ecosystem is rapidly expanding, with new players joining the community and new games being created with in-game assets & fair incentives aligned alongside Web3 ethos. Through Bullieverse DAO, Bullieverse will progressively decentralize to become a community-owned metaverse governed by the $Bull token holders.

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Bullieverse is an Open Metaverse where NFTs come to life through an immersive gaming experience built on Unreal engine. (https://bullieverse.com)