Bullieverse Wrapped — 2022

7 min readDec 31, 2022


The Catalyst
Birth of $Bull
A Trip to Lisbon
Bear Hunt Full Game Launch
Bulls on the NYC Billboard
Bon Anniversaire Bullieverse
Zombieland Paranoia
The Rise of Militia
Call to Arms
Christmas Came Early

Happy New Year Bullievers!

A visit to your Alma mater, first crush, time spent with school friends all are nostalgic memories that trigger a sweet suffering in all of us. Little did we know at the start of 2022, that we will be adding a considerable number of moments to the above list, etching them in stone for all of us to reminisce.

We have invested 12 more months to deliver unparalleled gaming experience for our community.


We have invested 12 more months of our lives to deliver unparalleled gaming experience for our community.

In this short span of time, people have come and people have gone. Partnerships were forged. . Bitter pills were swallowed and victories were cherished. Yet, out of all these experiences, there were a few that stood out for all of us as a community, those that have shaped our lives here as Bullievers, ones, which when looked back after a decade will prove to be the most pivotal for all of us, as this was the year where we put ourselves on the map and started to make heads turn.

Without boring you more…

February — The Catalyst

Truly a remarkable day.

A small team spread across the world, with nothing but ideas, COBI Bull NFT sales and an upcoming Beta launch, united by a vision to create a community owned metaverse that will bring NFTs to life, raised seed funding of $4 Mn from marquee investors in the web3 space. Had this not transpired, we wonder what each of us would be doing now!

March — Birth of $BULL

A month of first’s!

Our very own $BULL launch along with Initial Decentralized Exchange Offering. We launched $BULL on Kucoin, Quickswap and Huobi. We appreciate our partners and investors for helping us reach this tremendous milestone.

April — A Trip to Lisbon

In April, a few members of the team travelled to Lisbon, Portugal on a quest to spread the word of Bullieverse at the Non-Fungible Conference. A line at our booth filled the room, where attendees and players patiently awaited to try Bear Hunt. At that moment we knew we were potentially on to something big. Great memories and partnerships were forged in Lisbon.

May — Bear Hunt Full Game Launch

Battle Cry — “For Bulliever Island”

If you have been following us, then by now, you know the story arc behind Bullieverse. The Bulls fall from grace after the Bears ransack Verity village and pillage it. A select number of Bulls escape through a portal, living to fight another day and this day came in May. The Bulls were able to go against the Bearbarians through our Bear Hunt game. By killing the boss bear, they also got to mint a BarBearian NFT. Over 4,000 Bears have been minted into our ecosystem.

June — Bulls on the NYC Billboard

An unforgettable experience

We secured an amazing billboard space during NFT NYC and our Bulls were performing for millions of people to watch during the time we had the NFT NYC event. We were happy to bring a handful of Citizens of Bulliever Island with us IRL to the event where we all met for the first time. An unforgettable experience.

August — Bon Anniversaire Bullieverse

Celebrating in style

1 year!

Our very own Bullieverse crossed one year in the month of August and we celebrated the entire month. We celebrated through a limited edition loot box sale on our newly built native marketplace with comparatively less market fees and trusted buying prowess, for our players to buy, sell and trade in-game asset NFTs using the native $BULL token.

September — Zombieland Paranoia

Initial Leaderboards

“May Day”! “May Day”

We slayed mountains of Bears only for them to resurrect as zombies, plaguing us and taking our very own lives. This meant our Bulls had to survive in tough environments, while keeping the threat of zombie Bears at bay. Necrodemic Beta was launched to raving reviews followed by community leaderboards. We’ve been heads down perfecting Necrodemic ever since!

October — The Rise of the Militia

A special ops movement within the community.

In October, we called upon our Citizens to join the Diamond Militia, a special military task force led by our Herd Champions. Through the social engagement of the Militia members, the task was to spread the word of Bullieverse and Necrodemic far and wide, with each interaction earning the member diamond points. Diamond points are accumulated to receive new ranks in the Militia accompanied by exclusive NFT rewards. One of our most proud initiatives to date.

November — Call to Arms

Bulls Assemble

After refining Necrodemic following insightful feedback from our game testers, we launched Necrodemic for the public and hosted private tournaments, getting more people to join our cause. Necrodemic has been played by thousands of unique players to date and is growing daily.

And let us not forget NFT London and Token2049! The Bullieverse Team yet again showcased Necrodemic to massive crowds and web3 degens. Another wonderful IRL event to help foster great partnerships and relationships. The team also showcased Necrodemic at an exclusive Web3 Gaming Crypto Cabal event at Token2049. A great night of forged friendships and Necrodemic fandom!

December — Christmas came early

Your Leaked Wishlist

The season of gifts, joy and happiness is upon us. What better way to celebrate than loot box distribution to our community and Necrodemic before Christmas game launch along with Santa Bull suit. “The Necrodemic Before Christmas” holiday web3 gaming tournament was launched, which has a 275,000 $BULL prize pool. This open tournament for all of web3, with the help of our amazing partners and sponsors has accumulated almost 2,000 players to date. If you haven’t joined yet, you can still take a shot at the top spot in the leaderboard until January 3rd.

This year has been a year of firsts for all of us in the Web3 gaming sphere. We saw the peak of the Web3 ecosystem and rock bottoms of the ecosystem. At a time when many projects shut shop, we have resiliently kept building for the community and creating unprecedented experiences, be it the Diamond Militia competitions we organised or #HotBullSummer themed activities including the artwork and comics. We realised what we have accomplished through the year while writing this article and it has been astonishing for us. Adding to all this we were constantly striving to grow as a community and used International conferences as a means to do it. The learnings from these were innumerable. To summarise, we were at Non-Fungible Conference in Lisbon, NFT NYC at the Big Apple, NFT London, which we sponsored & Token 2049 in Singapore.

Finally, no year end post will be complete without thanking all our partners, investors, and community to whom we are forever thankful. You have been with us all the way, providing rock solid support, without whom, Bullieverse won’t be what it is today.

We see a future with a myriad of possibilities and growth and the year 2023 will be instrumental in that. In the second half of January, you will get an update on blockbuster initiatives that we have planned for you. Until then, keep guessing…

Signing off 2022 — Team Bullieverse!

Keep on Bullieving!

About Bullieverse
Bullieverse is an Open Metaverse where NFTs come to life through an immersive gaming experience built on the Unreal engine. This ecosystem is rapidly expanding, with new players joining the community and new games being created with in-game assets & fair incentives aligned alongside Web3 ethos. Through Bullieverse DAO, Bullieverse will progressively decentralize to become a community-owned metaverse governed by the $Bull token holders.

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Bullieverse is an Open Metaverse where NFTs come to life through an immersive gaming experience built on Unreal engine. (https://bullieverse.com)