A Love Letter To David Ortiz

James Carlow
Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2016
Image Credit to survivinggrady.com

Dear Big Papi,

I love you. Growing up a Red Sox fan whose Dad has season tickets means that I’ve been very lucky and that I’ve been to a hell of a lot of Red Sox games. A lot of wins and a lot of losses. More wins lately though ;). There’s always been one constant through the thin and thick of it. I’m talking about you Papi. Kinda sounds sexual when you leave the “Big” out of Big Papi…actually scratch that either way it sounds sexual but that’s what probably helps make it such a dope nickname. It’s a double entendre.

When I wasn’t at the games you were always a welcome guest on the TV at my house even though my Dad would sometimes swear at you when you didn’t hit the ball. Most of the time you did hit it though. Far too.

I’m twenty-two so that means since I was eight years old I’ve been watching you play the game of baseball in a Red Sox uniform. In fact, nearly all of my Red Sox memories involve you in some capacity and come this Sunday, October 2nd, I will see you play your last home season game at Fenway Park. I’ll be sitting in those butt numbing wooden seats (Can we get cushions up in that bitch?!) that I’ve grown accustomed to and I’ll be chanting Papi for one of the last times.

Even though the thought of Sunday makes me very sad, it is almost like a happy sad if that’s a thing. It’s like when your parents take you to Disney World and it’s so fucking awesome but then you realize that eventually it’s time to go home. Space Mountain only lasts so long. Thank you for bringing us to Space Mountain with you Papi.

You helped bring three World Series (hopefully a fourth…) to Boston while you were here. In 2004 you worked miracles and killed the curse, in 2007 you helped us win it again, and in 2013 we got to witness one of the greatest batting performances in World Series history as you brought home another title, helping to heal the hearts of Boston in the process. You were right when you came out onto the field after the marathon bombings saying, “This is our fucking city” and we are beyond happy to share it with you.

You will forever have our hearts and a home here in Boston.

Finally, regardless of what happens this October, I ,on behalf of Red Sox fans everywhere just wanted to say thank you.

For everything.


Your fucking city.

P.S. Let’s go to Space Mountain one last time.

