ACLU’s People Power Movement — JOIN IT!

Cynthia Dagnal-Myron
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2017
Power to the People — that means YOU

I don’t have time to go deep right now, but I just returned home from the first ACLU People Power meeting in my part of Tucson, and I have to say, it brought me from the brink of despair into truly believing we’ve still got more than a fighting chance, Resisters.

Today’s activities were the first of many to come, and the way this thing was organized has already been impressive. I suppose I shouldn’t have been so surprised, given the speed with which they successfully shut down that first Muslim ban.

This is what they do. This is what they’ve been doing, sometimes with very little help and even some serious opposition from the public at large. They talked about that, too.

They’re the people who speak up for free speech even when it’s speech they don’t particularly agree with. And that has gotten them in trouble more than a few times.

But they don’t back down. And right now, they’re asking you to stand your ground, too.

And it’s not just protest marches they’re after. They have concrete steps they’ll be asking the 2000 plus groups who met today (over 200,000 people that was, in all), each one in answer to a specific executive order, bill or other action threatening currently civil liberties.

That means you’ll be able to actually get right up and do something, RIGHT now, about the things that keep you awake nights. Yep, those things you fume over every day as you watch or listen to the news.

To find out just how do-able they’ve made that, and to sign up once you realize you can do this — they make it ridiculously easy — click the link above. And to see some of the groups who participated today and catch up on the news as it happens, there’s their Twitter feed and Facebook page as well.

So if you’ve been wary or too heartbroken to try up to now, I urge you to consider People Power. They really do make it pretty danged easy to get and stay involved. And for those of you who’ve already been marching and calling and fighting the good fight — there were a lot of them at that meeting today — here’s to ya’! I’m humbled and look forward to learning from you.

See you on the front lines.



Cynthia Dagnal-Myron

Award-winning former features reporter for the Chicago Sun Times and Arizona Daily Star, HuffPo contributor and author.