An Ode to People with Golf Umbrellas in the City


2 min readApr 3, 2018

Oh no.


I see you coming from 20 feet away,

but there is no time to run


It was not in my plan for today

to be stabbed in the eye,

but I’ve just encountered you,

so I suppose

I’ll have to make room for it


I hope it’s okay if I ask:

What use is there for a canopy of that circumference?

Did you come directly

from a country club

to the bustling streets of Manhattan?


This sidewalk is not big enough

for the two of us,

and it sure as shit

isn’t big enough for the three of us —

And by that I mean me, you,

and your golf umbrella.


you do not notice.

Even as this thought enters my mind,

you force your way down the crowded sidewalk,

Oblivious to your sheer width

as people dive out of your way.

You seem like a golf person,

so you’ll get this:

It seems, perhaps, that there is a 19th hole

And it is you —

An asshole.


I almost admire

how sharp

the tips of the umbrella are,

and how they stretch out

5 feet longer than necessary


Is there room for me under there?

And perhaps,

room for my entire family?


That umbrella could certainly fetch

at least $400 a month

(Utilities not included)

if you rented it out right here.


What grudge have you against smaller,

more compact models?

Have you not heard of Totes?

Was this umbrella purchased

with a set of patio furniture?


You draw closer, but still I see

no golf bag.

I am running out of excuses

for you

for that

for all of this.


But suddenly

I have a thought:

Is this an ill-advised

live recreation of Singing in The Rain?


But, alas

I assume not —

I don’t see you dancing

And I see no one smiling.

Gene Kelly deserves

Far better.


Rainy days are good

for self-reflection.

May I suggest, then,

that you reflect on your choices?





after years of media speculation, i’d like to confirm that yes — i do laugh at my own jokes.