An Open Letter To Open Letter Writers

Mike Hunt
Published in
3 min readAug 23, 2016

This is important

Everyone, time to listen up. It’s time to stay woke. There are things to be outraged by all the time, and this open letter to literally the whole world is going to prove it.

Did you know that things are bad? What are you doing about bad things? Guess what? You’re doing nothing.

I am such an important person that I get to write an open letter. Nope, these feelings will not be limited to a closed letter, stifled by adhesive moistened by my important saliva and sent through an underpaid, underrepresented socialist tax drainer. No, this must remain open so that I know I have contributed to solve the problem.

Don’t know what the problem is? It is not my job to educate you. Have any questions about my blatant claims? Not my job to educate you; I say what I know to be true and have no obligation to back up my claims because it’s not my job.

This is the problem with people. They don’t even know about the problem.

Disagree? You’re obviously a despicable member of my opposing wing of a limited political paradigm. Basically, you’re a bigot.

This open letter is really only meant to be read by those with the same political and societal identity as myself. There’s no better way to spread awareness of the problems we’re facing than putting our message on heavy delay and reverb in a stainless steel room. There’s nothing more effective than an echo chamber if you’re trying to effect political change and social justice.

And to anyone that questions the packaged view WE should all have? You’re the outgroup, the enemy, THEM, and a bigot, racist, mysoginist, homophobe, transphobe, socialist, commie, libtard, fag, dyke. You need to stop using your white male privilege while abusing the welfare system to jump the border and join ISIS.

The best thing to do, people, is to isolate yourself from anyone with the WRONG opinion, being that all of yours are right, especially college students who haven’t yet experienced reality. Don’t open up to speak with anyone with a different world view, because they are racist, communist libtard Nazi atheist jew muslims gaylords.

Any religious minority group are immune from criticism, and all of them are terrorists. Undocumented immigrants should be allowed to walk across the border, and they’re all here to destroy America.

The most important thing we all must do is to silence dissenting viewpoints. We have all of the answers and the opposing side are all wrong and evil. We will not have a free society until we police people with different ideas. Our ideas are perfect, and everyone opposing our ideas should be silenced because it hurts our feelings to be challenged and that’s not what freedom is about.

Only speak to people with the same viewpoint as to not corrupt your perfect view of how things work. If someone challenges your preconceived notions, shut down and shut that person out of your life. All you need to say is that they’re from the outgroup. They’re evil. They butter their bread upside down. They are the scum of the earth, obviously stupid for not agreeing with you.

This is how WE think, son

The free marketplace of ideas should not include the dissenting views of the outgroup. They do not deserve to be heard; they must be insane or stupid or both. We don’t need their ideas to learn because WE KNOW EVERYTHING.

Since you’re all so full of wisdom, this open letter is to all of the others, except I don’t want any of them to read it because it’s really just to entrench like minds into their own groupthink. Think about that.



Mike Hunt

Haterade Mainliner, Bastard progeny of King James V, crypto thousandaire, anti-suffrage crusader, decorative hermit.