BBC Accused of Anti-Martian Bias By 70 MPs

The corporation is told its airing of Mars Attacks, Independence Day, and Alien 1, 2, & 3 undermine potential negotiations with the looming alien army.

Mister Lichtenstein
2 min readMar 20, 2017


Prime Minister Theresa May at 10 Downing Street this afternoon.

LONDON, UK — Shortly after being accused of an anti-Brexit bias by 70 MPs following the relentlessly negative coverage of the separation from the EU, the BBC has been accused of an anti-Martian bias by the same MPs.

“The corporation has willfully, and deliberately undermined our position in bargaining with the alien invaders,” said PM Theresa May at a press conference at 10 Downing Street. “We want to negotiate the best possible ratio of culled humanity to slave humanity with our alien overlords, and the frequent and deliberate condemnation of aliens in the media hurts our ability to do this,” she continued as Xorlax, Imperator of Plorlasdiganda manipulated her brain stem with the neural leeches on his prehensile tail.

The BBC, which is commercial-free and funded with tax money, has long been the target of politicians who feel aggrieved by the corporation’s coverage of government policy. In 1986 for example, PM Margaret Thatcher had to order fellow Tory Sir Norman Tebbit to stop criticizing the corporation over its coverage of American bombing of Lybia. He had called the BBC, “the Stateless Person’s Broadcasting Corporation”.

PM May’s government says they will trigger the invasion next Wednesday, so no need to worry about Brexit, as we will all be either dead or enslaved by the great tentacled race of Blorth who until launching this invasion, lived in their diamond city under the Martian ice caps.

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