Build That Wall!

M. Edward Alexander
Published in
1 min readApr 21, 2017

You know this to be True:
The Other
Is E V I L
For their skin is Blue
Or Brown or Black;
No matter —
They’re not White!
And so
Must go.

Build that wall!
And keep away the heathens
Keep away
Their dirty, dirty looks;
They don’t look right!
They don’t sound right!

And so
They must be Feared.
And so
They must be Hated.

Build that wall!
The Other
Can’t be trusted

Just look at them —

Build that wall!
For if you don’t
They’ll Rape you
They’ll Steal from you
They’ll EAT your children,
Those M o n s T e R s!

Build that wall!
And keep them out!
For if you don’t
They’ll kill you
They’ll slaughter us all!
It’s only Fair
It’s only Logical:
Build that wall!
Build that wall!

For you know this to be True:
The Other,
They’re not human,
No, no, no!
They are NOT
They are NOT

Like You and Me.



M. Edward Alexander

Explorer of the human condition. Supporter of the arts, science & technology. Guided by empathy. #Poetry