© National Geographic

Create compelling content, they said. The good, the bad and the ugly. Plus, click-bait and listicles.

Linda Caroll
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2016


I feel like the concept of “compelling” is almost a trope at this point.

Taken literally, there’s 3 definitions. The good, the bad and the ugly?
Hang with me a minute, k?

  1. Compelling; to evoke interest, attention or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way. (i.e. her eyes are strangely compelling)
  2. Not able to be refuted; inspiring conviction.
    (i.e. he gave compelling evidence)
  3. Not able to be resisted.
    (i.e. the urge to click was compelling)

How many people (or corporations, haha) do you know that write content that evokes interest — or admiration — in a powerfully irresistible way? Yeah, me too. They’re out there, for sure, but the number is small.

Onto # 2. Not able to be refuted? Hahaha. Not much on the Internet fits that description. Unless you’re into conspiracy theories or alt right hate groups. And then whether or not it can be refuted isn’t the real issue, is it now...

But we won’t dance there today.


Which leaves us with the 3rd definition. Not able to be resisted.
You know what that results in, right?

One weird trick to…
You’ll be outraged at how…
You won’t believe…
What happened next will shock you!

So yeah. When you’re writing that “compelling” content, important to know the different flavors.

One weird old trick to make my day… just scroll on down & click the ❤
What happens next will shock you!

