Dad Offers Pointed Criticism of Obama: “He Should’ve Focused More on Jobs, Less on Who Got to Use Which Bathroom”

Audrey Murray
Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2017

As the sun sets on the first day of the new Trump administration, your dad, who’d like to remind everyone that he hates Trump and even voted for Clinton after you sister talked him out of voting for Jill Stein, offered a little Monday morning quarterbacking on Obama’s two terms.

“If the guy had worried more about jobs, and less about which bathrooms people were allowed to use, we wouldn’t be here,” he declared confidently over a dinner of tempeh and quinoa, which your mom recently introduced to your parents’ diet — a move your your dad, “wasn’t too crazy” about at first, but has since grown to see as “not bad.”

Asked about Obama’s 2011 jobs bill, your dad said, “Well, if that worked out so well, why the hell’d all those people in the rust belt vote for Trump?”

Reminded that Congressional Republicans fought the bill tooth and nail, your dad said, “Look honey, all I know is, when I turned on NPR, or listened to sports talk radio they were going on and on about how, ‘Oh, transgendered people need to be able to use certain bathrooms, la la la!’ and meanwhile, half the country doesn’t have feakin’ jobs!”

Asked when unemployment in the US reached 50 percent, your dad said, “Look, that was just — I was just trying to make a point.”

Pressed to name specific instances in which Obama or members of his administration personally intervened in the controversial transgendered bathroom debates when they could have been working on creating more jobs, your dad reiterated that, “Look, I’m just you what I saw, OK?”

Your mom could not be reached for comment.



Audrey Murray

Writer, comedian, lover of all things Russian. Author of Open Mic Night in Moscow (out now!).