Eagle’s Nest

Piece 2 of the “33” illustrated art storybook by Meg Konovska

Meg Konovska
3 min readNov 6, 2017


“Eagle’s Nest” (detail) by Meg Konovska

This is piece No 2 of the “33” watercolour series by Meg Konovska (*khu-khum*, that would be… ME!).

The series consists of 33 paintings, 33 x 33 cm each. They are all created in the following manner:
• Randomly make 33 dots on the blank sheet, with eyes closed
Connect the dots in a complete contour, without intersecting lines
• The resulting silhouette is developed in a sketch which is completed in colour.

To top it off, each painting is accompanied by an explanation for the unsuspecting observer to consider.

I now give you

Eagle’s Nest (sold)

The scene depicts the mother eagle which has just returned to her nest to feed her little eaglets.

The little birds are widely agape with their beaks while waiting for their food.

After a brief examination, you will notice a serious difference in the appearance of the babies and the mother eagle. One could think they are even from a different biological kind. This comes from the fact the father eagle comes from the village of Guernics depicted by Picasso in his piece of Guernica (see To Picasso with Love).

The young eagle had once wandered off beyond the boundaries of Guernics where all animals had a cubic look due to generations of incest. He had flown much further than ever before. And there, in the vaults of heaven, he saw the gorgeous Eaglette, so different from all other female eagles he had ever seen up until then. The eagle fell in love from first sight with her and the two of them nested among the rocky tops of the mountains where their fledglings were hatched.

For a cruel doom, the Ottomans from the village nearby saw the unusual for their region flying creature, they took it for a wandering evil demon and before long they shoot it with an arrow straight through the heart.

Thus the female eagle was left to take care on her own for her little ones in the eagle’s nest.

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Meg Konovska

Artist, designer, author, MEGician. Creative director at www.justhowcoolisthat.com — backstage stories from the creative journey.