Examining the Green New Deal as a Business Plan

Mike Hunt
Published in
11 min readFeb 14, 2019

The Government Wants to Control Business, So Let’s Treat Them Like One

I’ve conducted dozens of business analyses and case studies. I think there is a failure in high school and university economics classes, as most people, especially advocates for government regulations, don’t understand half of the basis of the economy: businesses.

To many, cigar-puffing billionaires just want to rape the earth and knowingly want to cause a climate disaster, and the benevolent organizations like the UN and “Left-leaning” politicians are the police that only want to save the world! In order to save the world, they need to control every aspect of life, otherwise non-bureaucrats will just destroy it.

If they paid actual attention to the economy, they’d see stocks go up and down as large companies file patents and deliver products that are renewable/green. Every major car company has invested millions, if not billions, in “green” technology; a Ford Mustang producing 225 horsepower in 1966 achieved 15 mpg, while a Ford Focus ST has 252 Horsepower and achieves 32mpg highway. If you think these companies aren’t looking for a way to create carbon-free products, do more research.

“But what about Tesla? They’re electric!” Tesla automobiles run on lithium-ion batteries. That lithium is mined from large swaths of land, often in undeveloped countries whose poor and indigenous see no benefit or financial kickback, using gasoline and diesel powered machines to extract the lithium which is then shipped in boats using gasoline and diesel to Silicon Valley and put into cars for people who want to show everyone they’re “rich yet virtuous.” Then, they plug them into the grid…of mostly natural gas and coal powered electricity (yes, CO2 emissions) after being able to drive only 200 miles per charge. Elon Musk gave his patents away, yet nobody asks where Chevy’s Electric Silverado is. The Tesla batteries reportedly cost $400/kwh to produce, resulting in cars that are either unaffordable to the general public or not useful in vehicles like trucks (usually used for work), delivery vehicles, long-haul shipping vehicles, or even minivans. Competing car companies have focused elsewhere, even in hydrogen (if you would like the highway to be filled with rolling bombs).

The point is, if truly revolutionary green technology existed, the first adopters would be mega-corporations. Take server farms: they’re spending millions using 3M’s Novec fluid for “2 phase immersion cooling,” named “Best Application of Green Computing” to reduce the power used to cool their equipment by up to 95%. Large-scale Bitcoin mining firms are using the same tech, saving on electricity and boosting profits by up to 20%. Oil companies? Subtracting gasoline, approximately 35–45% of crude oil’s use, it is still turned into machinery lubricants, plastics (including life-saving medical devices including heart valves), tires, eyeglasses, your computer/tv/phone, sports equipment, and all of the cheap pieces in appliances that break in 5 years which only exist due to American regulations that pushed manufacturing and material supplying overseas, and so on.

Let’s take a look at the Green New Deal like a business plan in the hands of an investor (we are the investor and would have almost no say).

The bill proposal begins with the IPCC assessment of global warming.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, is a political organization formed by the UN for the specific purpose of allowing governments to regulate every aspect of life. One doesn’t need a tinfoil hat to read UN’s “Agenda 21” and see how much control they want governments and international governing bodies to have over everything. The IPCC was never tasked with studying the actual cause of global warming/climate change, rather all of its predictions and models are based on the assumption of anthropogenic greenhouse emissions. The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), is a strictly scientific organization comprised of scientist whose sole purpose is to fact-check the IPCC, collecting thousands of peer reviewed studies to test the validities of the IPCC’s assertions. It turns out their claims are a case of pure Lysenkoism: start with politically acceptable assertion, then cherry-pick data to prove it. The globalists behind these plans, dating back to the Club of Rome, founded at David Rockefeller’s estate in Bellagio, Italy, include Mikhail Gorbachev (who “liberalized” the USSR’s state-owned companies by giving them to the highest KGB and GRU officials and communist party kiss-asses who are now ‘neo-liberals’), George Soros, Ted Turner (CNN), Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, and dozens of other billionaires interested in global state-corporatism and depopulation.

To be clear, the IPCC hasn’t proven that climate change is caused by humans; they’ve been caught up in corrupt scandal (climate-gate), they consistently re-tool their modeling when their predictions don’t pan out, the “97% consensus” was a 97% consensus of only 75 “climatologists,” and their mission is to prove what the UN wants them to prove. This lack of scientific rigor cannot be the basis of the biggest spending bill in American history. All of the climate, weather, and economic predictions made in the Green New Deal are based on IPCC’s ever-changing climate model. If you disagree, you hate mother earth.

Green New Deal Promises:

“to create millions of good, high-wage jobs in the United States” which will be compliance officers

“to provide unprecedented levels of prosperity and economic security for all people of the United States” which says, with their help, you too could be rich!

“to counteract systemic injustices: Now, therefore, be it” which doesn’t describe the system, nor its injustices. Is it the legal system? The Public school system? Every system possible is governmental, and unjust, therefore we need more government (?).

“It is the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal — to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions through a fair and just transition for all communities and workers; to create millions of good, high-wage jobs and ensure prosperity and economic security for all people of the United States;”

Net-zero greenhouse gas would bring the United States to Congo-level prosperity. “Fair and just transition” means that they’ll give every company and person a time period before they fine you or put you in jail where you’ll work as free labor to deliver “prosperity and economic security” to others.

“To invest in the infrastructure and industry of the United States to sustainably meet the challenges of the 21st century”

Challenges of the 21st century? Media and web monopolies? Wall Street influence on politics? Foreign infiltration of our institutions? Artificial intelligence? Low-testosterone males? WHICH CHALLENGES?

“To secure for all people of the United States for generations to come clean air and water; climate and community resiliency; healthy food; access to nature; and a sustainable environment; and to promote justice and equity by stopping current, preventing future, and repairing historic oppression of indigenous peoples, communities of color, migrant communities, deindustrialized communities, depopulated rural communities, the poor, low-income workers, women, the elderly, the unhoused, people with disabilities, and youth (referred to in this resolution as ‘‘frontline and vulnerable communities’’);

Let’s start with clean air and water. Not once in climate hustling papers will you read “fine particulate pollution,” which actually kills people, but they’ve got the gas that plants and trees breathe covered! Water? Almost everywhere in the United States, governments allow dumping the waste product hydrogen fluoride and phosphoric acid production, fluorosilicic acid, into the public water supply, meaning at the very least the government is forcing people to injest a “dental supplement” or they’re just getting paid to dilute toxic waste in the water supply. Conspiracy theories aside, the government is still putting the main ingredient of Prozac in your tap water.

“Climate and community resiliency” This means nothing.

“Healthy food” Oh yeah, with the government’s history subsidizing corn resulting in high-fructose corn syrup and corn-fed livestock, along with soy which has raised the country’s man-boob volume by an incalculable degree, we’re sure you’ll do great.

“Access to nature” You want to regulate our access to any nature.

“The poor:” There is not one solid case of the government helping the poor unless it’s deregulated.

“Low-income workers:” Your public education system doesn’t prepare people for real life.

“Women:” They have equal rights, don’t want the responsibilities.

“The youth:” Because you haven’t ruined their ability to think critically enough.

“The goals described should be accomplished through a 10-year national mobilization”

I can’t wait for the tanks to come through my neighborhood.

7 •HRES 109 IH (A) building resiliency against climate 1change-related disasters, such as extreme 2weather, including by leveraging funding and 3providing investments for community-defined 4projects and strategies; 5(B) repairing and upgrading the infra-6structure in the United States, including — 7(i) by eliminating pollution and green-8house gas emissions as much as techno-9logically feasible; 10(ii) by guaranteeing universal access 11to clean water; 12(iii) FLUOROSILICIC; 24VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:08 Feb 08, 2019 Jkt 089200 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 E:\BILLS\HR109.IH HR109kjohnson on DSK79L0C42 with BILLS

109IH 108 A combines the government providing the means to deal with climate disasters by allocating federal funds and repairing and upgrading infrastructure…by eliminating greenhouse gases, guaranteeing “clean water,” and holy mother of God this has devolved into nonsense.

109 IH (D) is all about “smart grids,” which is 5g/”Internet of Things” jargon, in which everything from how much water you flush your shit with to how much energy you consume is on a centralized government ledger. “Smart cities” is all about monitoring people, including how much water you use to wash your hair. It goes on to explain how you’ll fund it, and how it will encompass rural communities.

109 IH (iii) is all about the government controlling the entire food system and how it’s transported, which will include the Green New Deal’s high speed rail. It goes on to describe how the government will protect “natural resources” like the EPA who flooded the Colorado River with poisonous chemicals.

109 IH promises to use federal employees to clean up the Superfund sites that have sat for decades even though their cleanup would cost less than welfare for illegal aliens. Lots about students, activists, neckbeard professors, state-guided businesses, and union thugs making it happen.

11 109 FML: The government can force banks into giving them money for their bullshit.

12 •HRES 109 IH Says the government can decide where investments go

13 •HRES 109 IH Lose your job because it uses fossil fuel? Don’t worry, the government will pay your wages and benefits for an unspecified period of time! Also, it guarantees your ability to join a gang that shakes down owners and assaults opponents: Labor Unions! It goes on to describe how the government will prevent anyone from saying bad things about you by throwing them in jail, and a bunch of HR jargon promising healthcare, paid vacations, and retirement (yes, the GOVERNMENT will provide these things!).

14 •HRES 109 IH (M) obtaining the free, prior, and informed 1consent of indigenous peoples for all decisions 2that affect indigenous peoples and their tradi-3tional territories, honoring all treaties and 4agreements with indigenous peoples, and pro-5tecting and enforcing the sovereignty and land 6rights of indigenous peoples; 7(N) ensuring a commercial environment 8where every businessperson is free from unfair 9competition and domination by domestic or 10international monopolies; and 11(O) providing all people of the United 12States with — 13(i) high-quality health care; 14(ii) affordable, safe, and adequate 15housing; 16(iii) economic security; and 17(iv) clean water, clean air, healthy and 18affordable food, and access to nature.

14 HRES 109 IH is about having to ask Native Americans before running their hoverboards over ancient burial grounds…or something to do with kissing the ass of another people they expect nothing of.


Well, the Nordic model of a welfare state affords state healthcare and other social programs by having, compared to the United States, extremely free markets that create more high paying jobs which in turn result in more tax revenue. The United States’ model is to limit the market with regulations and wage laws, with a lengthy risk-averse banking industry averse to entrepreneurs unless they can put up equal collateral. On corporations, higher taxes and more regulations have moved countless jobs overseas. The proposal to pay for this “Green New Deal” is reliant on tax income which will fall drastically once companies and billionaires are tired of being taxed at 70% and regulations control their operations. The economy will die before Cortez’ prediction of “12 years before the end of the world.”


Every shout and slur of “Nazi” these days is meant to mean “racist.” Yet, it doesn’t take a lot of reading or research to learn about the Nazi economy; Nazi Germany was a socialist state, but Hitler’s main goal of socialism was to “socialize the people themselves.” Of course there was a welfare state for Germans, but the income came from government control over private business loosely based in Keynesian economics: Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes, Siemens, and Hugo Boss are some of the businesses controlled by the Nazi state, using slave labor, still survive to this day. This model of economy was only sustainable while at war. American Democrats want this kind of control over the market (just see Elizabeth Warren’s terrifying telecoms bill, luckily rejected). The Green New Deal is just a total surrender to Democratic Socialists, people I wouldn’t piss on if they were on fire.

“There are people who want to be left alone, and people who won’t leave them alone.”

The Democrat party has been overrun by people using moral panic as a political or campaign strategy; whether it’s Kirsten Gillibrand using a black church congregation as props, Elizabeth Warren speaking of every group that isn’t as impossibly white as her, Cory Booker claiming poor+black erases his upper class origins, Amy Klobuchar having a black hippity-hoppity hype man before announcing her bid…they’re all just hustling race, grievance, or moral panics, while their friends in the corporate media attack Tulsi Gabbard, the only candidate not running on pity for minorities and environmental hysteria.


We regret to inform you that your business plan has not met the proper criteria for financing from (any bank.) These are some, but not all, of the reasons for our decision:

1. Entire call for action is based on the claims of a biased source organized for the purpose of attaining funding

2. Vague and disorganized goals using talking points based solely in unscientific philosophical movements such as Postmodernism and Deconstructionism which are entirely rooted in anti-capitalism and anti-Western society

3. The plan calls for every single building in the United States to accomplish an undefined goal of “maximum efficiency,” which will force owners, including individual homeowners, to spend money to legally comply

4. The plan doesn’t explain how any of the government projects will be paid for. As high taxes on the rich, raising corporate taxes, and expanding regulations results in tax dodging, outsourcing, and flat-out moving out of country, the next application might want to include funding their project with the taxes Google dodges alone, being that Google was seeded and guided by a CIA front.

5. Find a high speed rail system, scale it to the United States, then come up with another plan.

Before you judge, look at your cell phone. Imagine your cell phone’s company was in a race with the US Government to invent that same product. Who would win? Now, promise your investors that if they don’t invest in the government phone, they’ll be dead in 12 years.

Even if climate change is caused by humans, all of the predictions by doomsday hustlers haven’t come true or have been attributed to other factors. Storms are caused by cold meeting warm, yet they claim a warmer average temperature equals more storms. California has no funding for dealing with underbrush and fires start, months after many of their citizens tell Texans that hurricane Harvey was “God’s revenge for voting Trump.”

Cortez is a Socialist. Socialists want government power over the economy, land, and housing, promising to hand over businesses to “the workers.” They know that this is theft at gunpoint, unless it’s packaged as saving “the proletariat,” “the marginalized,” “the oppressed,” or “the environment.” America, and the West’s only chance of survival is rejecting the victimhood culture that only serves to hand power to an aristocracy of discontented pseudointellectuals who call themselves “progressives,” “socialists,” “postmodernists,” and “Marxists.” For the love of liberty, Democrats, purge these regressive authoritarians from your ranks, divorce your corporate and media bosom buddies, and work for Americans without pandering to “minorities” you have no intention of helping.

I’ve read bills, but none have made me this tired of trying to make sense of it. It’s a thousand “mommy’s going to make it betters,” except mommy is the bloated federal government.

Also, this was the brainchild of a bartender. Stay in your lane, bartenders!



Mike Hunt

Haterade Mainliner, Bastard progeny of King James V, crypto thousandaire, anti-suffrage crusader, decorative hermit.