Free Falling

Piece 9 of the “33” illustrated art storybook by Meg Konovska

Meg Konovska
2 min readJan 1, 2018


How does Superman fly? “Free Falling” (detail) by Meg Konovska.

This is piece No 9 of the “33” watercolour series by Meg Konovska (*khu-khum*, that would be… ME!).

The series consists of 33 paintings, 33 x 33 cm each. They are all created in the following manner:
• Randomly make 33 dots on the blank sheet, with eyes closed
Connect the dots in a complete contour, without intersecting lines
• The resulting silhouette is developed in a sketch which is completed in colour.

To top it off, each painting is accompanied by an explanation for the unsuspecting observer to consider.

I now give you

Free Falling (available)

Painting 33x33 cm watercolour on 50% cotton acid free paper, 250 gsm. Overall size with framing: 44x44 cm. Mounted behind glass with wooden frame.

The picture shows a little tortoise who had decided to impersonate Superman. He was certain that Superman’s flying powers were hidden in his cloak. And since he’d wanted to fly like Superman for ages, he found a cloak, climbed up to the highest of places around; he ran at full speed and jumped off.

And he truly proved right!… Only… instead of flying up like Superman, he flew down like a cannon ball. Exactly this moment of free falling is shown here.

It was followed by two more attempts, as the little tortoise thought he might had not speeded up enough for flying. At the third attempt his carapace was so bruised up, that the little tortoise decided to stop unless he wanted it to break.

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Meg Konovska

Artist, designer, author, MEGician. Creative director at — backstage stories from the creative journey.