Global Casting Call for Trump Actor

Phoenix xHamster


Needs THE Trumpest Performer on the Planet!

We issued a casting call around the world for the man to play Donald Trump in their planned 4-year series of pornographic parodies of the administration. Check it here (NSFW).

The Trump transition has been turbulent for all of us. There is nothing more that the American public needs that quality adult content parodies to help them understand the ever shifting landscape of their Executive Branch of government.

Ideally, qualified applicants would have a unique hairstyle that closely matches that of the 45th President of the United States. Additionally, this performer would need to be in the ‘best health of any actor to do porn,’ to have even more in common with the President-elect, whose own physician said that Trump is the ‘healthiest person to run for President in history.” Additional qualifications include the ability to make incredible deals, and bring the HUGE-ness (or “YUGE” in the parlance of Trump) of the President-elect to the small screens and tablets of our consumers.

Optional characteristics of this performer include: having small hands, “not having a problem, down there,” and an affinity for walls (glory hole optional in the wall). The ability to harness both Trump’s complete understanding of all issues without any actual knowledge of an issue, is also an optional trait.

How to apply?

Please send a non-adult oriented video of yourself, dressed and in Trump-esque character to From there, we will post submissions to xHamster website and allow our users to select which lucky individual will be xHamster’s official Trump for the duration of the Presidency. We plan to announce the winner the day before President Trump’s first Address to a Joint Session of Congress, often referred to as the State of the Union. This election will be determined by the popular vote. We will not be using an electoral college system to determine the winner of this vital election. The users know better!)

The selected will receive the Twitter handle: @realxHDonaldTrump in order to interact with voters and fans across the globe.

Following the successful casting of the newly elected President Trump at xHamster, we will conduct similar competitions for key members of his inner circle: ex-wifes, family members (of legal age), cabinet officials, and judicial nominees.

This won’t be easy, but it will be HUGE! We’re going to provide the world with the real (parody) story of the next 4 years, which will be best to watch from the privacy of your bedroom or bathroom.

Stay tuned. More to come!



Phoenix xHamster

Product Manager at xHamster. It’s a story about our best cases & challenges of running sex-inspired product. Let’s make some PORN! (SFW)