TrumPooning Tunes

GOP defenders of Trump taking heat on tax returns, health care, and Russians

Harper Thorpe
Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2017


Senator Tom Cotton supports Trump withholding his tax returns. (Courtesy

Dixie’s Land, the civil war song, inspired this take on GOP lawmakers defending Trump and his divisive agenda.

I wish I was like Senator Cotton
Ethics, principles all forgotten
Trump’s a fraud! Thank the Lord! He’s our fraud! GOP.

In Arkansas we’ve no concerns
Bout conflicts of interest or tax returns
Trump’s a fraud! Thank the Lord! He’s our fraud! GOP.

Tom Cotton has no conscience
It’s all for show
The town hall meeting crowd observed
Constituents don’t matter

Trump U, Swamp too, the GOP mutation
And Mitch, Trump’s bitch, supports eff-ing the nation


The topic now is Trump Care folly
Rose Garden pics of white men jolly
Trump promotes, got the votes, sick foot notes. GOP.

Rep Labrador nearly lost his hide
Claimed “without health care, no one died”
Bill not read, lies are spread, no one’s dead. GOP.

The Trump Care Bill wealth shifter
Paul Ryan ain’t dyin’
Destroy Obama’s legacy
Constituents don’t matter

Trump U, Swamp too, the GOP mutation
The gall, lyin’ Paul, supports eff-ing the nation


The FBI investigation
Now at risk and so’s the nation
Trump required, Comey fired, thinks he’s wired! GOP.

Looking for colluding Russians
Comey’s firing caused repercussions
Made Trump mad, Vlad is glad, Tweets end sad! GOP.

The Russians in the Oval
Secur’ty breech
Another poor Trump judgment call
Another call: Impeach!

Trump U, Swamp too, the GOP mutation
The truth, fired sleuth, we’re worried for the nation!

(The original Dixie’s Land was written by Daniel Decatur Emmett.)


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Harper Thorpe

Engaged citizen, poet, musician, humorist, family man. I value irreverence, soulfulness, and a big heart. Offering insight, introspection, shock & aw shucks!