Home Alone

Osasu Elaiho
Published in
4 min readSep 18, 2016

I was home alone yesterday. I put up a post at about past midnight because sleep refused to come.

I don’t know why. I could say it was the rain or I could say it was the fact that there was no electricity at the time but I don’t believe that was the reason.

It rained last night. I mean it really poured! It was beautiful, the windows of my room were open and the air was so cool I still had to sleep under my duvet.

Now that’s saying something

I think I couldn’t sleep because for some reason I didn’t want to be alone.

Now when I say that I didn’t want to be alone, I’m not saying that I wanted to be wrapped up in the arms of the fairer gender (although that isn’t a bad thought at all) but I am not used to being alone long term at home since I share an apartment with a long time friend of mine.

He didn’t come home last night because he had to stay over at work and do a little extra overtime that didn’t get him home until 3pm!

Usually, I like my own company. I like and very much enjoy being by myself. Heck I take myself to the movies. I have only single player games on my PlayStation 4 because I like to spend time by myself and I very much enjoy my own company (yes I said it twice).

Yesterday was so very different.

So what did I do?

I cleaned.

I wrote.

I focused.

I fantasised.

Now it feels like I did the above to add to my written space and make this seem longer.

What if I did? It isn’t like there’s any moral to this.

I’m just sharing a day in the life of a temporary insomniac. Trust me when I say this doesn’t happen to me often.

Usually I can put myself to sleep within minutes of my head hitting my bed but not yesterday. I’d lay in bed diagonally (weird I know but for some reason I find that position very soothing) then I’d close my eyes and try to slow my breathing and then count from the number one upwards slowly in my head.

I usually never get to a hundred

For some reason I didn’t try it yesterday and I don’t know why. Other times I’d take a glass of warm milk which I’d have heated with the microwave but with the lack of electricity, there was no point trying to drink the milk cold. I don’t know if that would have made a difference but I know warm milk knocks me out like a light!

You should try that sometime if you have trouble sleeping and you aren’t lactose intolerant.

So anyway after all was said and done, I decided to go have a bath after doing all of the above. This was around 1:30am and then a weird thing happened; I began to think about dark spirits and ghosts and the likes. This happened because I’d been going through a review I wrote on here for The Conjuring 2 and I felt one of the pictures I used wasn’t high definition enough so I decided to do a google search to look for a much clearer version of the picture I’d already used.

Oh I found it all right. Only it was a really creepy picture (the nun) and I somehow couldn’t stop thinking about it.

Now I love horror. I make a point of watching it either late at night with all my lights turned off or early in the morning while it’s still dark. This way I can really tell just how good it is by how well it makes me aware of my environment.

Now I’m not talking about blood and gore nonsense, I’m talking beautiful emotionally hardcore horror that gives you goosebumps from minor trepidation (See Drag Me to Hell).

So yea it was a really creepy picture and being that I was alone and the entire place was mostly dark, I began to have a picture/thought in my head of this character appearing in my room.

I’d put up the picture but I truly want to sleep tonight so no thanks! Check out my review for the movie and you’ll know which picture I’m referring to I guarantee you!

This thought went on in my head for a while that I found myself seriously thinking about it.

That hasn’t happened to me in a long time

Kudos to James Wan for making such an excellent film.

I eventually did go to bed at around 2am. Didn’t get much sleep though as I was up by 6am and now the same thing seems to be happening today but this time there is electricity so I can watch something or just read…

I like reading. Then again I wouldn’t be on here if I didn’t right?

Seriously though if you like horror go get Conjuring 2. Just make sure that if you scare easy, you aren’t alone when you do see it.

So, anyone got their own insomniac story to tell? I know I can’t be the only one up. It’s 2:04am right now in Lagos Nigeria.

So now you understand why I keep mentioning the electricity business.



Osasu Elaiho

Aspiring Writer | Film Critic | ff: @osasu_elaiho