How to Be A Successful Career Woman… And Still Land a Husband!

Yung Nonna
Published in
4 min readSep 5, 2016

1. Have a job… but the right one. Having a job is important to landing a sexy, high earning husband. A lot of women pick the wrong job though. Investment banking, law, business, technology, medicine. These are all fields best left to men. A woman in this male dominated field will simply be seen as a fellow “bro” instead of wife material! Good men are not attracted to women who don’t work. Dan, 34,waste management specialist, never married with a pet iguana (yes, an iguana, you reptile loving ladies) says that “Laziness is such a turnoff.” Get a job that you’re great at, but something that doesn’t compete with a field that he’s in.Get a girly job, for the girl in you! Men love kindergarten teachers, interior designers, secretaries, bakers, fragrance or make-up marketing specialist. Be great at it! Have high power dreams and ambitions, but the key is not to act on them. No wife-seeking man wants a woman who is more accomplished than he is.

2. Be aware of your “woman-ess” at all times. Listen up, you’re a woman, so you’re different from a man. People will notice your woman-ess in the workplace, so use it to your advantage! Wear a skirt, show some cleavage, always laugh at badly executed jokes of your male colleagues and superiors and always smile. This has the dual function of making you appear feminine and work appropriate while potentially attracting high earning mates in the workplace. Working can be a great way to meet eligible men!

Steve and Tracy, 52 and 24 met at work. Jon and Tracy both worked at Telecom firm, where Steve was the VP of Finance and Tracy was the best secretary in the company. Steve says that he had “one look at the way that her legs looked filing those papers,” and how she “smiled when she’d hand out briefs before meetings” and he knew he “had to have her.” Steve pursued Tracy at the photocopier every day, watching her work and asked her out until she said yes. She “was playing hard to get, its what women do, ” he said. Then he added, “I thought it was pretty hot.” Tracy smiled and held Steve’s arm throughout the whole interview. Get it, girl!

While we’re at it listen up: No one likes a feminist in the workplace or the bedroom. What a drag! Remember that the world is ruled by men, and it always has been for a reason. I mean, the planet is still spinning, and we’ve avoided so many major disasters under the rule of men, we should know better than to mess with the divine order of things!

4. Be Chill AF in All Situations. Agree with him on 99% of things.. but every now and then make a passive aggressive comment that diverges from his opinion. Who doesn’t like a little spontaneous potential for conflict? This will freak him out just enough, but not enough to cause discord and send him running. Daniel, lawyers, aged 26 says that his ex-girlfriend used to spontaneously tell him that this opinion was “stupid” once in a while, without asking for further elaboration. “It drove me nuts, turned me on so much, ” he added. Making him think that you have a bit of a backbone.How sexy!

5. Work hard, play hard, and always find time to make him a sandwich. In order to maintain work and relationships, you need to make him believe you are always busy. This will make him feel extra special. If you appear like you are always busy and very serious about your work, it will make him feel like you are making him a special priority in your life. Do something to make him feel extra special. Spend an exorbitant amount of money on some lingerie or lip enhancements. Make him a sandwich, let him know how handsome he is. Men need your undivided attention in order to be fulfilled in a relationship. Listen to everything he says with great care. Weave him into your web, with your compassionate eyes, and pouty lips. But don’t talk about your own personal or work problems though. No one like a woman who complains. Andrew, 29, happiness director at a tech startup, says that he broke up with his ex-girl because she was “ a lawyer, and all I would hear were these boring stories about this case and that case, and these people. After a long day at work, I want to come home to dinner and quiet, not more problems!”Oh and never ask to be a priority in his life. He’s a busy working man, and you don’t want to appear to be too needy or demanding. Total turnoff. Just be happy for the time you do get with him and make it special!

6. Chase after your dreams ladies, unless it gets in the way of hunky looking high earner. Remember, marriage is a long term investment, so you want to hedge your bets properly… and sometimes that involves taking a huge risk for a huge reward. Sometimes, you may need to quit your current jobs, dreams and aspirations to make him happy and maintain his ego. Don’t think .

Wifery is officially your career. Boy, the interview process was long…but wasn’t it worth it?



Yung Nonna

Comedian & Carb Evangelist. Coffee, wine and snarky comments, mostly.All socials @yung_nonna