How You Can Help: Go to Your Nearest Swing District and Invite Voters to a Brooklyn Warehouse Party

No one leaves the House of Yes saying “no” to affordable health care

Audrey Murray
2 min readJan 27, 2017


Many of us are thinking, “Wow, this new president is terrifying. What can I do to help? Will the thing that you’re going to ask me to do conflict with my very active social life?”

The good news is, you don’t have to run for office, participate in a march, or even give up your Saturday night plans to enact real change. All you have to do is visit your closest swing district and invite people to a Brooklyn warehouse party.

It can be tempting to attempt to sway Trump supporters using logic or reason. But it can be hard to change people’s minds through discussion alone. As the old saying goes, a Republican is a Democrat who’s been robbed, and a Democrat is a Republican who’s tried MDMA.

Once you expose people to fun things like sex, drugs, and diversity, they become more open-minded and progressive in their political beliefs. It’s easy to fear Muslims when you don’t know any, but what happens when you realize the cute girl you’re doing Fireballs with at a structurally unstable pop-up bar has parents who were born in Iran? I’ll tell you what happens: tolerance, followed by voting a straight Democrat ticket in the upcoming mid-term elections.

No one leaves House of Yes at 3 a.m. a Trump supporter. Expose a close-minded white man to Diplo, and the only wall he’ll be pining for will be wall-t0-wall bodies on the dance floor.



Audrey Murray

Writer, comedian, lover of all things Russian. Author of Open Mic Night in Moscow (out now!).