I Wonder At Times Like These, What Howard Would Think Of Us?

Justin Houston
Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2016

I yearn for simpler times. Times when the impossible felt like it might still be within my grasp…

If I could only reach far enough.

A time when it felt like a good idea to make Howard the Duck.

Don’t you want to crawl into an egg and hide when you see what’s going on today?

The eighties were happier times. We all got along. Man and Man. Man and duck. [Okay, maybe we didn’t all get along, but we were happier, right?]

Hair was big and emphatic. Lea Thompson was busy making out with her son and a feathered alien. In that order. Tim Robbins was bumbling and a little person child actor was uncomfortable wearing a duck costume while pretending to make love to Lea Thompson.

These were simpler times.

Howard the Duck recently celebrated its 30th year of existence.

George Lucas was still reveling in the success of American Graffiti and Indian Jones.

He was unstoppable.

Every resume should include working with a large duck.

Nothing could get in his way. The man wanted to make a cinematic version of a comic book. He was way ahead of his time.

Maybe he should have waited.

With hair like that — you’d be a fool to get in his way.

Howard the Duck was the first film from the Marvel universe. Before we even referred to it as the Marvel universe.

At contentious times like these — Trump vs. Hillary, Black & Blue & White conflicts — I wonder what Howard would think of us?

Would he have approved of the RNC Convention in Cleve-land?

If he were here now — would Trump demand he be quarantined in a small pond with a large fence surrounding it?

As you watch the debate tonight, take a moment to reflect back to the 1980’s.

Think of your feathered friend and ask yourself — Would Howard even recognize us now?

A duck’s gaze can pierce the inner workings of the soul.

Friends, I am not so sure he would. I think he would have plucked out many a tail feather in frustration at what we have become.

