I feel better already!



I’ve discharged a duty. Laid down a burden. Exercised my franchise.

I voted, and I feel good.

I had a secret dread headed into Election Day. Would the voting in my little town be soured by negativity? Disrupted by confrontation? Would it come to fisticuffs?

There had been some pretty loud, animus-filled exchanges at the Y. I was concerned. If people couldn’t leave their anger outside that community space, it didn’t bode well for the polls.

I am so proud of everyone. There was zero tension. The volunteers were sweet and helpful. The voters neighborly and patient, despite the long lines, everyone pleased with the banner turnout.

I was reminded how much I like our local politicians. All of them are good, responsible people who just want to see our town and state prosper.

This gives me hope for my country. It is a quiet hope that flies below the noise of Washington and the national press. But it is very real.

I imagine this feeling is being replicated in other hearts aross the nation. Maybe I’m delusional. I hope not, because it is a happy vision.

Now there’s nothing to do but wait until the returns come in. That’s hours away. I’m sure it will be a nail biter. But for now, I can let the tension go.

I’ve done the one thing I can do today to put my thumb on the scale of history.

I hope you will, too. It feels good.

