Inauguration D-Day: Donald Voldemort Trump is President

Cyrine Nawa
Published in
6 min readJan 20, 2017

Welp, we’re here. It’s the day of the inauguration of Trump becoming the next president of the United States — a sentence I never thought I would actually say. But hey, never say never, right?

I have spent most of my day yesterday at work unable to finish any of the tasks assigned to me. I was lucky enough that the workload was light, and my manager was in a meeting for half the day and unable to assign more work to me. I surfed the web, watched shows on Netflix, and browsed Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat constantly like an addict, desperately looking for a funny post or a conversation completely unrelated to politics that would drug me up enough to forget about the terrifying truth we all have to face tomorrow. I went around making conversations with others, only to end up being asked, “what’s wrong?”, and wanting to reply back, “Donald fucking Trump is the president America chose after Obama to destroy all the progress we have made and bring this country to the ground. That’s what’s wrong.” But, I smiled, I sighed and said, “I’m just really not liking how dark my hair is right now. I asked for my natural brown hair and I got jet black.” Nothing more first-world-problem-ish has come out of my mouth, but it was all I could think of.

Here’s the God-awful truth. Most of us currently feel like we are sitting in the bottomless pits of hell surrounded by the most terrible fires, and we all are trying to suck it up because some people are telling us to. So we look around at the fire and with a empty glare and repeat back to ourselves, “This is fine. We are fine.”

I’m one of those Americans that watched Obama say in a completely unconvincing way how we are “going to be…. okay”. Barry, my dear man, I love ya to freaking death, and you have done so much for all of us, but by God, I think that was one of the worst lies you have ever told. And Barry, here’s a news flash for you: you SUCK at lying, and you didn’t fool anyone with that speech. We see you and we know you’re probably more worried than we are, but you’re trying to be that beacon of hope that you’ve been for us for the last 8 years one last time. On behalf of us all, I am telling you, thank you, we love you, but we’d feel a little more support if you tell us you’re gonna be fighting with us too while we deal with watching the downfall and corruption of everything you’ve built that was filled with goodness and opportunity.

As I drove back home last night, I realized how much not only the inauguration, but this entire election has affected so many. I’ve had friends who I know to be the strongest fighters out there actually contact me to say, “I give up. I need a break. I can’t deal with this anymore. Not right now. Not tomorrow. I just can’t accept the reality of tomorrow and the next 4 years.” It dawned on me all the other fighters of the world: the recovering alcoholics and drug addicts that are itching to slip into the wondrous temporary bliss again that they once knew because the reality of tomorrow is too great to bear, the veterans suffering from PTSD who have risked their lives for us to not be where we are now calling their therapists for emergency sessions, the families of lost ones seeing their sons and daughters’ lives be taken in vain for us to only go backwards once again. I could go on and on…

The irony of it all is millions of people who we share this great land with are too blind and close-minded to see how “great” we actually have it now and what a fucking disaster we are going to be facing. When midnight came close to the night of November 8th, and the numbers were telling us the inevitable, I ran out of my home and cried for hours trying to figure out why in God’s name would this be happening to us at such a progressive time in history. We all know that evil always lurks in the shadows, and does not show its true colors of strength until it has rejuvinated and fed upon the souls of those it draws to it, so that it may fight and win battles once again. It is the Voldemort of our nation that was struck by love and acceptance for the last 8 years, stripping it away from its powers and weakening it, but not enough to eliminate it. So it stayed in the Forbidden Forest that is the souls of angry conservatives. It fed on the unicorn blood for elixir that is their passion for victory and oppression. It gathered around its death eaters that is the KKK and the Confederate flag supporters and followers. And it attacked the United States Ministry Government of Magic with all its might and force to spread its evil once more. And Betsy Dolores Umbridge Devos is going to be right by Donald Tom Riddle Trump’s side to help him destroy the Department of Education. ( I swear to God sometimes I think his hair is one of his horcruxes. Somebody find me a Sword of Gryffindor. It might be in the form of a rainbow colored unicorn horn.)

If there’s anything I’ve learned from reading hundreds of books, it’s that the evil must come out in order for us to defeat it. The evil was always there lurking — we just need to fight harder this time and beat it.

We are all at the stage in the books where we are too tired to fight. We all want to hit the nearest liquor store or dispensary and boost up their sales for the next few days. We all want to sulk in our beds into hermit mode while Netflix keeps making money from the increased streaming of shows and movies as a form of escapism. We all want to cry and hug each other for support and to mourn our loss altogether.

And you know what? Go fucking do it. Go hug your loved ones and vent out all that’s inside of you, and be the open arms for loved ones to do the same. Go cry and binge watch your favorite Friends episode and yell at the world “WE ARE ON A BREAK”. Say your goodbyes to Obama and Biden, the coolest bromance the White House will ever see. Search your memes and save them. Look back on those pictures like you’re looking back on the best fucking relationship you’ve ever had and mourn the breakup.

I’ll be right there with you.

Do what you need to do. Do it with pride and no shame, but for the sake of our country, for the sake of our own, don’t be long, because dammit, you’re needed for war.

When you’re done crying, when you’re done practicing escapism, let’s get up and make a plan. Let’s get up and be involved. Let’s get up and start recruiting soldiers for Bernie Albus Dumbledore Sanders’ Army, for Hilary Minerva McGonagall Clinton, for Elizabeth Hermione Granger Warren, and let’s fight these goddamn assholes and get them the fuck out of the White Hogwarts House. Let’s claim back our world with our magical hearts filled with love and acceptance and unity and pride. Let them see the diversity of white warlocks and colored witches and gay giants and Muslim centaurs come together as one and bring down those evil heartless assholes, so that our future and the future of our children will be full of a much stronger light bursting with a plethora of goodness and progress and freedom and love that will prevail for so many lifetimes to come.

Remember, Harry couldn’t beat Voldemort without the help of his friends and army in Hogwarts.

I’ll be there on the battlefield with my wand up. I hope you’ll join me.



Cyrine Nawa

Muslim Arab-American Girl. Professional eye-roller. Oh, and I also write. Follow me on twitter: @CyrineNawa for updates and short stories.