Japanese Cherry Blossom

Piece 4 of the “33” illustrated art storybook by Meg Konovska

Meg Konovska
2 min readNov 28, 2017


Japanese Cherry Blossom (detail) by Meg Konovska

This is piece No 4 of the “33” watercolour series by Meg Konovska (*khu-khum*, that would be… ME!).

The series consists of 33 paintings, 33 x 33 cm each. They are all created in the following manner:
• Randomly make 33 dots on the blank sheet, with eyes closed
Connect the dots in a complete contour, without intersecting lines
• The resulting silhouette is developed in a sketch which is completed in colour.

To top it off, each painting is accompanied by an explanation for the unsuspecting observer to consider.

I now give you

Japanese Cherry Blossom (sold)

This appealing lemur-like creature inhabits the branches of Japanese cherry trees. The picture depicts it enjoying the pleasant odour liberated by the blossoms. The charming scent causes an effect similar to that of opium poppies and this explains the look in the big eyes of the little creature.

In reality the miniature animal is hanging upside down while holding the branch with its tail.

However, for focal point of interest adjustments reasons the image has been rotated to 90 degrees contra-clockwise.

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Meg Konovska

Artist, designer, author, MEGician. Creative director at www.justhowcoolisthat.com — backstage stories from the creative journey.