Thankfulness. Joy and a Good Pair of Spanks.

L. Donsky-Levine
Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2016

With it being Thanksgiving, it seems natural to reflect upon all those things we’re thankful for. And right off the bat I suppose my responses would mirror everyone else’s: family, friends, health. The big three.

But we all know that our lives are comprised of so much more than that. All those wonderfully silly and perhaps not-so-silly things that break up the minutiae of the day-to-day and somehow makes everything feel worthwhile. And these are mine. Well some of them anyway … and in no particular order:

Dunkin’ Donuts coffee and their new croissant donut filled with Boston cream. Wow! It’s a killer!

Parents who are still here, still married (to each other) and who I can now finally beat at Scrabble.


Cold Stone ice cream.

Spanks (yes some of us still wear them!).

Being surrounded by a few select people who love me, who don’t judge me, who want the best for me and when the moment strikes don’t look at me like I’m some sort of whack-job. Especially every time I drop the “F” word; which I happen to do quite often.

Oversized magnifying glasses.

A good night’s sleep without peeing every hour on the hour.

Ibuprofen 600 mg.


The ability to pursue my passions while I still feel passionately and while I’m still vertical.

Fields of cotton stretching as far as the eye can see.

See’s chocolate truffles.

Fellow writers.

Great books that take me someplace else.

A son who pretends he’s listening to me and a daughter who realizes I sometimes know what I’m talking about.

Hot chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven.

Online shopping.

Finding inspiration from the unlikeliest of places.

The sun shining on my face.

Today is about connecting and reaffirming the joy we share with others. And every now and again it’s important for me to remember that. That and how thankful I am to all of you for coming here and taking the time to cheer me on.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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L. Donsky-Levine

Author, essayist, storyteller offering my slant on life, relationships, getting old(er) and our never-ending pursuit for happiness.