Lady GaGa Is My Hero

A Badass and A Beautiful Accident

H. Nemesis Nyx
2 min readDec 6, 2016


Caught in a bad romance…

Rah rah…


Yes. She did say it. Out loud on National TV. She unapologetically said her acronym.

Anyone who knows a thing about me knows that I don’t read news or watch it ever — I can’t — more on that later. So it was a complete accident that I even came across this story. I was actually grieving over the way-too-soon death of Phife Dawg (see, I get far behind because of my ‘news ban’) — anyway, I was reading about Phife and how he said goodbye to this planet and I came across the article about GaGa’s Today Show Appearance — TODAY.

For the first time, I am not the last to know. GaGa did an amazing thing today. She told shame to get fucked. She put her name next to her acronym and lovingly, bravely declared herself with a common brain injury — one many of us know all too damn well.

She told the world that she has PTSD.

How did she get it?

(everyone always asks that as if it fucking matters)

Maybe it’s fucking Maybelline, like <ahem> some Cyborgs we know?

Oh no, we all know what it is. We know where this shit comes from. We know how we were bestowed with our life sentences — we know from hence the bullshit came.

Sexual assault. Rape.

Are you surprised?

You shouldn’t be.

And now, we know. GaGa, is one of us. (Gooble Gobble; One of US)

We don’t want her in our club. But let’s give her the grand welcome anyway.

I’m sorry GaGa. I am so sorry you understand.

But, fuck if I don’t love the shit out of you for standing up and showing shame the fucking door.

God damn, woman.

Thank you. Just FUCKING THANK YOU.

Also, if you don’t know how talented this woman is, you’re missing out. This is a prodigy — 4 year old at the piano type shit.

Get to know her. This is a woman who loves theater, but is a classically trained pianist and composer. She EARNED her stripes with hard work and sweat.

She earned them with the boil of fucking rape festering in her brain stem.

I’ve got no tolerance for disrespect of this woman. No. Tolerance.

Love you, GaGa. Thank you.

