My (Outside-the-Box) New Year’s Resolutions

Step #1: Buy a box

Tommy Paley
2 min readDec 31, 2017


Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash
  1. To hit the gym. Literally and repeatedly until asked to stop. Then move on to the next gym before I hit them all.
  2. To somehow make all others pity me more.
  3. To stop drinking. Period. No exceptions.
  4. To eat with my eyes more often and, solely to avoid malnourishment and constantly dirty eyes, my mouth as well.
  5. To drop my water weight. Also, to stop carrying a water weight in the first place that has almost zero practical purposes outside a small amount of physical comedy humor.
  6. To stop treating my children like rare breeds of expensive show dogs despite the near unlimited amount of sheer joy it brings me.
  7. To finally buy my wife a pedestal and place her upon it so she will shut up already.
  8. To read more often, but only books that give the illusion that I am far more intelligent than I look or fill me with false hope or both.
  9. To not only spend money less frequently but to also stop cackling like an evil witch while doing so (probably should lose the witch outfit while I’m at it, too).
  10. To live life vicariously through someone else as long as that person isn’t already living vicariously through me as that would just get downright confusing after a few weeks.
  11. To spend an extreme-and-bordering-on-unhealthy amount of time with my family in as small a space as possible like that out-of-service elevator in the abandoned building down the block.
  12. To be the bigger man occasionally. In an unrelated note to self — find a large selection of smaller male friends.
  13. To wax more. This includes, but is not limited to: my bikini zone (just in case), our hardwood floors for the pure, unfettered, slippery fun that inevitably follows, and my friend’s back so he looks less bear-like without losing his animalistic charm.
  14. To let those around me know how much I care about them, how I truly appreciate all they do for me and just how thankful I am that they continue to share their oxygen supply with me at low low prices.
  15. To continue my 46-year practice of refusing, no matter how tempting, to beat a dead horse. Also, to continue questioning why my next door neighbor is so eager for me to do so.



Tommy Paley

I write creative non-fiction, humorous and random short stories, unique and tasty recipes and fiction involving odd and funny relationships. I also love cheese.