No Bullshit Women are not a United Voting Block

Felicity Harley
Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2017
Women bring out their pussies in support of Trumpf (photo by Mel Evans AP)
Kellyanne Conway Clones standing by their man — a time warp to the fifties (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

It’s bullshit to say women are a united voting block!

I keep having to defend myself to all the good men in my life who say incredulously “but 54% of white women voted for Trumpochio”.

Well I’ve news for you guys just like you, women aren’t a united voting block. (Although I would agree that we generally stick together when it comes to men grabbing our pussies univited, but from there we diverge and split.)

I like the fact that idealogically I have sisters and brothers around the world who are black, brown, white and many in betweens, who support the same issues as I do, listed below. (Including thinking, unlike Trumpochio, increduously now the US President, that they shouldn’t grab women’s pussies uninvited).

All our children’s well being

Economic security

Environmental security

Health security

Food security

Yes baby this is the future of pussy and it’s not Pretty Woman (Adrees Latif / Reuters)

Seriously though, it is my sincere hope that the good men and women who bought Trumpochio and the Republican’s bullshit the first time around, will see it for what it is and vote for what they really care about, especially in the mid-terms.

If you think about it, the social issues that divide us all are pure bullshit, and are solely based on various interpretations of whatever faith-based, religious text one might be following.

Once everyone, not just women including our VP Pence, understand that religious faith and its beliefs are a matter of personal choice and individual interpretation (there are no proofs or absolutes), then maybe they’ll be able to by-pass them and vote in the interests of humanity.

I fundamentally believe in a multi-party system and divergent point of view, but I do hope that in not to many years the lying Republican Party sinks with Trumpochio into oblivion. That it disappears without even a small bubble to mark its existence into the vile swamp of sexism and racism the whole lot of them have so cynically supported and created.



Felicity Harley

writer. student of the human condition & psyche. grounded by family, garden and good wine.