Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2016


O Captain, My Captain

Imagine you are riding in a large ship. A Ship that is moving slowly, but steadily through the water, under control, but not spectacular.

The elites are up in the top cabins, drinking white wine and eating cheese, thinking everything is fine and feeling that they have earned their place.

You and your struggling friends, who do not write software, and did not get fancy degrees at elite colleges, are stuck under the waterline, looking out of the few portholes. You’ve been given a few cases of stale beer to share, but are otherwise ignored.

You’ve had enough. You get pissed-off. It’s time to do something about this situation.

So what do you do? “Let’s take down the whole damn system” yell you and your friends. We don’t care what happens. We want change! Anything will be better than this! You drill holes in the sides of the ship.

Where does the water come in? Who drowns? Who gets in the lifeboats goes home and dries off. Who then goes off to design and build a better ship?

The old captain, a captain from the old school, goes down with the ship. “She deserved it.” She had her time. We want ours! “ you say, as you struggle to keep you head above the in-rushing water.

Soon the new ship gets launched. You survived, and so did some of your friends. You have a job now. It is back down in the bottom of the boat. This time you will be given oars to keep you busy. The new captain, the guy behind you with a whip, will keep you motivated. He has left the elites on the shore. That makes you happy. The top decks are now loaded with a new group that is older, richer, meaner, and more controlling that the last group. They are fighting with each other because they don’t know how to run the ship. Most of them want to turn it around or make it go backwards,

This new group likes to stand on the high decks and piss on you and your friends. They tell you to be happy because you are better off than the Blacks and the immigrants who they threw overboard. You have a job. just keep rowing, and watch out for the lash.

I would greatly appreciate any comments.




I have been mumbling almost incoherently in response to life's problems for a long, long time. Contact me at djbermont@gmail.com