Oliver Twist

Dr. Furaha Asani
Published in
1 min readDec 17, 2016

The politrickcians have come again!

It wasn’t enough that we funded all their dreams and failures

at our own expense

Nor that we were the ones who bore the brunt on the streets

while they safely holed up in their lavish pens.

It wasn’t enough that they were only concerned with

circulating the wealth and power amongst their own kin

But now they seek for our blood to be offered upon the altar

to pay for their sins.

And worse yet: they still have the audacity to ask that after every

meaningless prayer they pray, we should respond with a unanimous AMEN!

The politishams have come again!

We have given them every last drop and all they care about is saving their own skin.



Dr. Furaha Asani

Migrant. Postdoctoral researcher. Teacher. Mental Health Advocate. Writer. Professional in the streets, loud on the sheets of paper.