One Weird Afternoon

(Not a bad one though).

Yellow Brick Road
2 min readMar 13, 2017


1. Because my mother suspects me of reading erotica.
I played scrabble with my family and I played the word ‘chafe’. My mother said she thought it wasn’t a word but I told her that I was positive I had read it somewhere. My brother read the first definition aloud: “make or become sore by rubbing against something.” I swear to god, for a moment there my mother looked at me with her eyebrows a tiniest bit raised.

2. Enchafe is a word.
I was sure my brother made it up (he has a affinity for prefixes and suffixes) but some others beat him to it a few centuries back. He read it in the Scarlet Pimpernel (apparently). Well, it is one of the earlier books about romance and adventure; one can see why ‘enchafe’ would fit right in.

3. My brother told me I have the face for Medusa.
“It just is,” he shrugged. I decided to take it as a high compliment — after all how many people can carry of snakes instead of hair? Though sex might become an issue. Well, snakes are a turn off, but maybe I can change that.

4. Spiders moved across my keyboard.
The said spiders were my fingers which are long, thin and skinny, like the rest of me. However, what irks me more than their physique is their movement; my fingers extend and contract extend and contract very fast. Its like they are busy and at home best when typing. I stared at them for a bit and imagined them sprouting black fur.

5. “Prison for a year or coma for two?”
I said coma. Is that insensitive?

Signing of for a nap. ❤



Yellow Brick Road

Personal writings on gender and mental health. Life is a dinner table conversation and I’m noting down whatever I can on disposable napkins.