POTUS Attacks Gorsuch For Ruling In Favor of “Little People”

“I didn’t appoint this asshole so he could rule for the occasional just cause. #Sad.”

Mister Lichtenstein
1 min readMar 23, 2017


WASHINGTON, DC — President Trump laid into Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch for pledging to maintain judicial independence from President Trump in his hearings with Congress this week.

“He’s my judge! I appointed him. That’s how it works. I made him, I can unmake him!” the President audibly shouted at Press Secretary Sean Spicer before Mr. Spicer took the lectern in the White House Press Room.

When asked about the outburst, Mr. Spicer denied that Mr. Trump was backstage, insisting instead that he had merely farted. He went on to criticize various judges who had ruled against Mr. Trump’s interests, including U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel who Mr. Trump famously accused of partiality during Mr. Trump’s Presidential campaign.

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