PUNK’S NOT DEAD! Neither is Twitter!

Andreas Schwarz
Published in
2 min readNov 21, 2016
You have heard it before, right?

The punk band “The Exploited” released their debut album “Punk’s not dead” in 1981, proving that the struggling punk scene is still alive. 35 years later, punk is still around and relevant. I wrote these 3 words on every piece of paper during middle school, without even knowing what Punk really was.

Twitter is the Social Media Punk!

If we are already talking about music, let’s have look what the different Social Media Channels would be in terms of musicians. Snapchat is probably f***** Justin Bieber, attracting the young and mobile phone addicted generation and some weird other people. Facebook is more like whatever is famous in the pop world right now, everybody is somehow involved. Instagram is like Selena Gomez, looking really nice but not able to sing (Wait a second, does Selena Gomez sing or why is she famous!?! Whatever, who cares). Vine is more like Amy Winehouse, unfortunately shut down. Twitter is the Exploited, the one real Punk. Doing the same shit for years and don’t even intend to do something new, but still quite catchy!

I see no real option to Twitter right now. For example, I attended the Web Summit 2016 (had a blast guys, have a look for this article) and the official app kept failing during the event. As a result, most people used twitter as the main communication channel. Perhaps Twitter is not the best musician out there, but you are deadly wrong if you think it’s dead.

Just not play the same record all the time

One easy way to get more engagement is the use of polls. Don’t tweet all the time, just do an easy poll once in a while. I’ve been using Twitter since 4 month now and have made it to a total of 620 followers at this point, which is quite satisfying in my opinion. I made a poll yesterday morning and got the following engagement so far:

Sorry for the German!

51 engagements in total lead to an engagement rate of nearly 9% in comparison to my followers. An engagement rate of over 1% is considered as good on Facebook. I know, I know, you can’t compare these two social media channels, but I would bet that this poll would have reached less engagement on Facebook! Facebook is way more generic than Twitter and Twitter is still the place to be for entrepreneurs and businesses. Slay me on this opinion, or tell me why I’m wrong. I can’t wait to discuss with you!



Andreas Schwarz

#Entrepreneur / Cofounder of @TrailwhisperCO / Try to improve my writing and try to survive. Pretty much all!