Redbox Reviews are a Nightmare

“Whacky, very racial in a very silly way” — a review of “Get Out” (2016)

James Ardis Writing
3 min readNov 14, 2017


Source: wikiHow

I rent movies from Redbox because most limited release pictures never make it to a theater near me (I live in Fayetteville, Arkansas), but somehow find their way into a Redbox machine outside the Kum & Go a block away from my house.

Last week I wanted to re-watch Moonlight (2016), so I reserved it on Rebbox’s website. That is when I made the dire mistake of looking at movie reviews on

I am mostly desensitized to comment section warriors, and have even documented them in the past, but to see them coming in hoards after movies like Moonlight, Get Out (2017), and Fences (2016), films that are trying to confront racism and other social issues, was discouraging. The critiques many Redbox patrons left on these films were not constructive, and instead bemoaned the films’ very existence.

Perhaps even more demoralizing was the fact that many positive reviews still managed to miss the mark entirely, such as a review of Moonlight by Catdaddy42 that cautioned viewers they may not like the movie “unless you’re tough gay man like me”.

Below are reviews of three movies: Moonlight, Get Out, and Fences, without further interruption. Hundreds of reviews were left for each of these movies, and I have chosen the comments that I believe best represent the range of reviews.

Moonlight (2016)

Average Redbox Rating: 2.5 out of 5

Get Out (2016)

Average Redbox Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Fences (2016)

Average Redbox Rating: 3.0 out of 5

If I can draw one positive note out of this experience, perhaps it is the fact that many people who may not agree with the politics of Moonlight and other films are at least occasional putting down a $1.50 to give it a chance. They may disagree, but they’re still listening.

I don’t know, maybe I am just desperately searching for a positive.



James Ardis Writing

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